100 PushUps



  • weeze_h
    weeze_h Posts: 72
    Did day 2 today - managed 7 at the final set! Amazing since my initial test I could only manage 4!!

    Goes to show the only way to do more is to...well do more!

    Hope everyone having positive results :-)
  • karlmcandrew
    karlmcandrew Posts: 15 Member
    Hello all, this sounds like a good one, il have a go with you
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I started on another thread but now can't find it. I "fell off the wagon" I guess you could say after the first day so I started again last night. I'm doiong column 1. So last night was day 1 for me. I'll try to stick with it this time. I promise.

    Good luck everyone.
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    I started on Monday, so today is Day 2 for me......yay!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I actually completed this chllenge this past winter... it did great things for the tone in my arms! Good luck!!
  • tsoto79
    tsoto79 Posts: 6
    Can we start out with girly push ups? Lol, Just until we build our strength up? I can do maybe 4 real ones!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Can we start out with girly push ups? Lol, Just until we build our strength up? I can do maybe 4 real ones!

    I would do the real ones, just start at the beginning with the first column, you'll be surprised!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    ok.....day 2 in the bag!

    i'm in W3 D2, column 3 and it was no piece of cake.
    thats 100 pushups total on just my second day :sad: with 2 sets of 25!!!

    most importantly: I DID IT!!!!

    Good Luck to all you guys who jumped on board! Let us know how you're doing.
    (misery looooooooves company :wink: )
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Finished day 2 last night. I'm such a weekling. I'm going the wall pushups but I can sure feel it in my arms so I guess it's working. Eventually, I manage to do floor pushups I reckon.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • weeze_h
    weeze_h Posts: 72
    Can we start out with girly push ups? Lol, Just until we build our strength up? I can do maybe 4 real ones!

    I managed 4 real ones too in my initial test -but by day 2 i did 7 in a row! will do day 3 later today but it definatley gets easier to reach your last target the next day you do it
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Had a bit of a crazy day on fri (starting with 4 of my kids at work with me!) And I completely forgot to do my pushups!!!!!

    Not happy with myself!
    Anyway, tomorrow is will restart week 3.
  • weeze_h
    weeze_h Posts: 72
    i finished week 2 but after couldn't make 16 straight push ups (i made 14 though so quite close and not bad for only being able to do 4 at the start of week 1!)) Repeating week 2 for me - anyone else still doing this or is it just me and you shaindi??

    Good luck this week :smile:
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Looks like it may just be you, me and Jeff (brewingaz)

    I started on Week3 and completed it (on the 2nd attempt - the first time around I just forgot to do em on Friday!), but gonna repeat it again this week bec my husband wants to do em too.

    Let's do this!