Engaged female needing motivation to lose 110 pounds before



  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Good afternoon!
    My name is Jennifer and I am in need of motivation to keep up with my diet so I can be a beautiful, HEALTHY bride next May. :smile:

    If any of you have any suggestions on the best and healthiest way to drop the weight, I would greatly appreciate the suggestions. :heart:

    Same advice I give to every young bride..."Focus on the marriage, not the wedding!" In other words, Don't do it to look good for your wedding...do it for you, & your health in the long haul. :wink: Best way is to keep track of your calories...every single thing you put in your mouth and make healthy choices for the most part without completely cutting out treats. Follow the set up for losing no more than 1.5 lbs per week or you will be setting your calorie level too low. Exercise 3-6 times per week and eat the calories you burn so your metabolism doesn't slow down over time. Don't focus on the 110 lbs....you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. If you stick with MFP, you will look great for your wedding even if you don't meet your goal before then!

    These are all my personal opinions. It is what has worked for me! What hasn't worked for me: Crash diets, unhealthy, unsustainable (forever) diet plans cutting major food groups out of my diets, special diets that cost a lot of money, liquid diets, etc. Good luck to you!! Great job wanting to start your new life together healthy!
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    hey, I echo what all the others have said... Hard work, nutrional eating, and excersize. May I suggest finding a curves workout center near you? It can be a bit expensive for a gym maybe, i don't know, but the support system there is amazing as well! And while I love MFP, there is just nothing like some face to face support and encouragement from people who see you often. good luck, and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Hi! Wishing you tons of good luck (and remember to stop losing after your final fitting, lest your dress be too loose :wink: )
  • ActionLaura
    You can do it! Eliminate soda, sugar, anything white such as white bread white pasta flour and replace with whole wheat and grains. Eat almonds as snack, fruits and drink lots of H20! Work out at least 4 days a week. I have been working out to Zumba for the past 5 months and I have lost inches and weight. You burn 1000 calories in an hour! My zumba instructor has lost 60 lbs alone just working out to Zumba in a year. If you tend to eat a lot I would suggest buying Yogi Tea they sell them at Whole Foods markets and buy blueberry slim it gives you energy and curbs appetite. I drink it for energy but notice I'm not as hungry. I love Food but now I'm making better choices. Good Luck! :)
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Your soon-to-be husband loves you the way you look right now, so don't focus on a certain size wedding dress. Focus instead on doing whatever it takes to help you lead a long, healthy, active life together!
