

  • shelcof
    shelcof Posts: 62 Member
    My scale was doing that, 5 pound changes in 30 seconds. I bought a new scale (probably could have gotten away with a new battery, but this one does fat analysis!)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    How to test your scale to see if it is weighing accurately: make sure scale is zeroed, get on the scale, record weight, get off, and repeat 2 more times. If the number is the same, then the scale is good. If the number changes drastically, multiple pounds, make sure the scale is level or try moving it to another part of the house and repeat. If the number stayed the same, then you made changes to your body that affected your weight. What I mean by this is what did you do in between weighings: eat, drink, go to the bathroom, change clothes, etc ? All of these things will affect how much you weigh.
  • Tiffanyluvsaaron
    My scale was doing that, 5 pound changes in 30 seconds. I bought a new scale (probably could have gotten away with a new battery, but this one does fat analysis!)

    i might just get a new one...Id like one that told you all that different stuff as well
  • pittielover23
    Eh, some people like weighing daily (like myself). I don't think there is anything wrong with it, I just only log my weight from Sat. mornings.

    I fluctuate, but not THAT much. With that much going on, I bet you need a new scale. You can try new batteries, but make sure it is relatively consistent! +/- 2lbs in a day can be normal, but 9 is not!
  • dtanner15
    dtanner15 Posts: 7
    if you consume alot of sodium, you also hold alot of water. i have that problem, so your scale could very well be right. watch your sodium intake and see if that helps. its hard because i LOVE salt! also, when I am at my cycle...i gain up to 6 pounds in water weight so watcing your sodium intake is crucial then. hope that helps :)