Let's try this again shall we??

Week one starts again....... I've had the MFP application on my phone for awhile and haven't really used it so I figured I could do with a little extra support and motivation from others in the same boat as me. I lost around 30lbs several years ago and have been maintaining where I am right now for some time give or take 10lbs. I would like to lose the last 40lbs this time :)

Anyone in Vancouver BC interested in joining me in 1-2 exercise sessions a week? Swimming, walking/jogging, yoga, biking, hooping etc.....I have a knee injury so need to be somewhat careful!

Looking forward to being motivated by you all :)


  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    Welcome to the message boards!

    I am not in Van City I am in Calgary so I can't exercise with you but we can definitely support eachother!

    I find that in addition to just logging your food, it is almost essential to poke around the message boards because you learn so much and there is so much support in the MFP community!

    Best of luck to you!!!