Metabolic Fire- How to turn your body into a fat burning mac



  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I seriously hope you didn't type out any of this. Sorry, but 90% of it is bullsh*t.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I seriously hope you didn't type out any of this. Sorry, but 90% of it is bullsh*t.

    WHY? I don't think it is fair of you to call this bull droppings and then not back it up with any information as to why you think that.
  • MrsZMartin
    MrsZMartin Posts: 165 Member
    This has a lot of good info., but the "fat burning zone" for heart rate has been proven to be less effective. Yes, it is technically "more efficient" because, of the calories you burning, a higher percentage is coming from fat, but the fact is, you are burning far fewer calories than if you raise your heart rate even more. In a HIIT workout, you are burning more calories overall, which mean more from fat, even if the percentage is slightly lower. Plus, you are actually increasing your cardiovascular health. The "fat burning zone" is pretty much an excuse not to push yourself to high intensity.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I seriously hope you didn't type out any of this. Sorry, but 90% of it is bullsh*t.

    WHY? I don't think it is fair of you to call this bull droppings and then not back it up with any information as to why you think that.

    I am not the one making the claims. I can go through everything he said but why would I need to? He is making the assertions, he should provide the evidence. I don't think it's fair TO YOU and others that this sort of misinformation is spread without any evidence to back it up.

    That's like me telling you that there is a giant purple monster on the moon. And if someone challenges my assertion, would you tell them that they are being unfair and they should just believe in the presence of this giant purple monster without any evidence given?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I seriously hope you didn't type out any of this. Sorry, but 90% of it is bullsh*t.

    WHY? I don't think it is fair of you to call this bull droppings and then not back it up with any information as to why you think that.

    I am not the one making the claims. I can go through everything he said but why would I need to? He is making the assertions, he should provide the evidence. I don't think it's fair TO YOU and others that this sort of misinformation is spread without any evidence to back it up.

    That's like me telling you that there is a giant purple monster on the moon. And if someone challenges my assertion, would you tell them that they are being unfair and they should just believe in the presence of this giant purple monster without any evidence given?

    I am not saying I believe either one of you. I am looking for some info to back this up.

    I have been working on my health for many years and it just seems there is so much information out there and many times you can find a study to back up many of these health claims. I am always looking for information.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I did a little research into Kenny536's claim of 90% Bull****....

    I found more articles supporting the information I laid out than against. But I did find articles that claimed it to be bull**** without any scientific explanations. Basically the articles claim that the other 90% of people claiming the information to be true do not have any scientific explanation... IDK???

    What I do know is that I am 1 of many people who have followed the advice of their personal trainer and got excellent results. Here is a link to my PFT's website testimonial page. Could all these people be wrong?

    Notice the first testimonial is ME!!!

    Anecdotal information: My personal trainer and I are really good friends and have been for years. I was his friend back when he was in the Marines and just a twig of person. When he first started body building I laughed at him, when he showed up at my house big as life and ripped head to toe, I stopped laughing and started taking notes.

    One of the things he did that I found absolutely impossible for the average person was his eating schedule. He ate 130 calories every hour and a half. He even set his wrist watch alarm to go off every hour and a half. He would pour egg whites into a pan with this carb free tortilla, eat it, and then go back to sleep.

    He was 4% body fat at this time. I remember asking him why he had to do all of that. He gave me some scientific reason that I can't remember, but the facts were facts, and the results were honest and true. I indeed lost 52 pounds in under 75 days, and I continue to maintain my ripped physique.

    So... IDK I think my post is more legit than bull****.

  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    And I can show you testimonials of people doing the exact opposite. Could all those people be wrong?

    I can also give you anecdotal information about some guy that started body building and ate his meals all in one or two sittings. And he became just as "ripped" as your Marine friend.

    So what then? Are you still as confident in your "facts"?

    Correlation does not imply causation.

    TCASMEY - I understand exactly how you feel.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    My brother-in-law also only eats 1 meal a day and is as ripped as me. He also works construction. I work at a desk job. That doesn't make the facts any less significant, it's simply another way to formulate calories IN < calories OUT... He does not need to spread his calories out, why? Cause he is already working out ALL DAY LONG!!!

    If you personally are struggling with your own weight loss issues, then maybe this thread is not for you. So far your major contribution have been a load of bird *kitten*. Pun intended.

    Most the people on MFP are here to see positive results. Please contribute only if you feel you have something positive to say... otherwise fly away little bird.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    And I can show you testimonials of people doing the exact opposite. Could all those people be wrong?

    I can also give you anecdotal information about some guy that started body building and ate his meals all in one or two sittings. And he became just as "ripped" as your Marine friend.

    So what then? Are you still as confident in your "facts"?

    Correlation does not imply causation.

    TCASMEY - I understand exactly how you feel.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but the forums are a place where people can share the information they have gathered and what has worked for them. I have been MFP friends with Damon and watched the 50 lbs go, watched his food diary and his logged workouts. I am losing and getting fit using other methods because my life is not conducive to his workout regimen . . .that does not make his method bull . . .I don't understand why a person can't post what worked for them and people can't read it and use the info or ignore it . . .just because it isn't YOUR way doesn't mean that it can't help someone else.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    My brother-in-law also only eats 1 meal a day and is as ripped as me. He also works construction. I work at a desk job. That doesn't make the facts any less significant, it's simply another way to formulate calories IN < calories OUT... He does not need to spread his calories out, why? Cause he is already working out ALL DAY LONG!!!

    If you personally are struggling with your own weight loss issues, then maybe this thread is not for you. So far your major contribution have been a load of bird *kitten*. Pun intended.

    Most the people on MFP are here to see positive results. Please contribute only if you feel you have something positive to say... otherwise fly away little bird.
    Well in your first post you said that you should eat 5 or 6 meals a day, where the meals gradually get smaller, in order to become a "fat burning machine". Maybe you should have clarified a bit instead of passing it off as gospel.
    What about for someone that also has a desk job just like you, but does not want to exercise in the morning? What if they want to workout in the evening and eat the majority of their calories during that time period? What if they don't want to bring tupperware to work everyday and eat small meals all day? Will their body not turn into "fat-burning machine"? I'm glad your strategy worked for you - but the point is not that it works. The point is that other strategies work just as well, and may work better in some instances. It depends on context and the individual. And that's just one small portion of what you wrote.
    Correct me if I am wrong, but the forums are a place where people can share the information they have gathered and what has worked for them. I have been MFP friends with Damon and watched the 50 lbs go, watched his food diary and his logged workouts. I am losing and getting fit using other methods because my life is not conducive to his workout regimen . . .that does not make his method bull . . .I don't understand why a person can't post what worked for them and people can't read it and use the info or ignore it . . .just because it isn't YOUR way doesn't mean that it can't help someone else.

    It's not so much that it won't work. It's the fact that he passes it off as gospel instead of saying this is what worked for him. I'm not denying that it doesn't work. I'm saying that there other options and he should be aware of this. That's why it's important to understand why something works instead of misconstruing it and passing it off as irrefutable facts.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I seriously hope you didn't type out any of this. Sorry, but 90% of it is bullsh*t.

    Above this post are a few people who respectfully added to or shared their personal views on the information. The key is respectfully. I was totally enjoying the thread here until your post.
  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142
    You are a true icon of anyone trying maintain a fit lifestyle and providing people with the information that helped you can only be seen as you reaching out to help others. Understand there will always be a little bird chirping his doubts. And although everyone is different you have proven your system works with your accomplishments and I congratulate you! Well done and I completely 100% believe and support everything you have said include grunts added info. That's how I got to be close to 5% bodyfat as I am now. This post gives me the hammering for some bird hunting! Who's game? All pun intended!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Great post! Thanks!
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member

    Seriously bro?

    No one is preaching gospel. I think you are misconstruing what I am stating. I am only sharing what I do, and what worked well for me... I didn't make this *kitten* up. It comes from a professional and I have the photos and logging since January to prove it!!! Friend me and take a look for yourself before you go calling my bluff!!!

    If you want to workout in the evening... Go for it! If you want to eat oranges til you turn orange yourself, Go for it! My experience is just that, mine! Your results may and will vary. It's just some friendly advice.

    Your posts however are anything but friendly.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    LOL...this is hilarious. Bird guy, why do you care what Damon does or doesn't do. Everyone has an opinion, I have mine, you have yours and he has his. Obviously it's worked for him and I am pretty sure he's just trying to help others - in the same way it's helped him.

    if you believe everything people write, as gospel. then that's your fault.

    and honestly, who cares! the dude is ripped and it worked for him. maybe your routine is different and works for you.

    Damon - keep up the living ripped!
  • mxmandani
    mxmandani Posts: 109
    This is fantastic sir! I will definitely friend you to see what you do and learn!
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member

    Seriously bro?

    No one is preaching gospel. I think you are misconstruing what I am stating. I am only sharing what I do, and what worked well for me... I didn't make this *kitten* up. It comes from a professional and I have the photos and logging since January to prove it!!! Friend me and take a look for yourself before you go calling my bluff!!!

    If you want to workout in the evening... Go for it! If you want to eat oranges til you turn orange yourself, Go for it! My experience is just that, mine! Your results may and will vary. It's just some friendly advice.

    Your posts however are anything but friendly.

    I'm not saying you made it up. I wholeheartedly believe that this strategy worked for you. But re-read your post. You cannot deny that most of it comes off as fact-based, and not anecdotal "this is what worked for me"-based. If you had made it clearer that this is what solely what you do, and should be taken with a grain of salt - then I would have been a whole lot nicer. But writing in this way: "what to eat: , when to eat:, how to workout:" etc., seems more fact-oriented as in this how you have to do it in order to "burn fat". Hell, read the title of your topic. Your pass it off as a "how to" guide, not "hey this was my experience and it works great". Do you get my point?

    I want to make others aware that this is not the only way to go about losing fat. You are telling them how to workout, when to workout, what to eat and when to eat. Do you honestly think this is the only way? And this may not be the most efficient way for many people. But if they are new to fitness/weight loss (as many here are), they may look at your post and think that this is exactly how it should be done. Why inconvenience them if it's unnecessary? Like I said, it always depends on the person. I understand you're trying to be helpful, but it could be harmful to some if you don't clarify. And that was my whole point in posting. For example, it's been established a long time ago that meal frequency has virtually no impact on your metabolism. I can show you evidence of this if you would like. Should you want your food around your workouts? In most cases, yes. But clearly most people in this thread don't really care about the facts, and are just here to high-five each other. So I'll stop there.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I don't understand your motivation to SAVE people from my post? There are hundreds if not 1000s of posts on this site... Yet you are choosing to bash mine? If someone wants to try what I do, great! I doubt seriously anyone is going to fail miserably by following my steps. LOL

    Seriously, post your your own topic or add constructively to this one. Either choice is fine with me. Otherwise you are trolling.
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    I seriously hope you didn't type out any of this. Sorry, but 90% of it is bullsh*t.

    WHY? I don't think it is fair of you to call this bull droppings and then not back it up with any information as to why you think that.

    Yeah. What she said! Please make the arguments to refute.