Rectal bleeding with weight loss



  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i've had that problem before. it sounds painful but it's your rectum tearing, it's totally natural and nothing to be concerned about it heals quickly.

    EDIT: if it's bright pink it's fresh it's most defiantly a tear. if it's dark then it's time to worry and call your doctor.
    this was going to be my advice too = )
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    i've had that problem before. it sounds painful but it's your rectum tearing, it's totally natural and nothing to be concerned about it heals quickly.

    I still can't believe that this thread was even started. What one experiences may be completely different to someone else. My Dad had colon cancer and the last thing I would be doing is to ask strangers on the internet what I should do if I had blood in my stool/rectal bleeding.
    The best person to advise you is a physician.

    I could not agree more. My dad is currently undergoing chemo for Stage IV colon cancer. If he had mentioned his bleeding to his doctor when it started, he might not be facing what he is today (an ultimately terminal diagnosis). Go to the doctor.
    you need to be examined. A lot of people ignore rectal bleeding because it's often hemorrhoids or anal fissures, but it absolutely can be something serious, even rectal cancer. I have diagnosed people with advanced disease that is untreatable for this reason. Please don't solicit medical advice on the internet. I would also discourage those who are saying it's nothing over the internet. What you don't know could cost someone his or her life.

    Absolutely agree with all the above EXCEPT the person suggesting, with no medical degree...that "it's totally natural and nothing to be concerned about" How are you sure of this??

    It's very dangerous to try and diagnose someone on a group like this when it could be so many things far more serious than what was shared... "nothing to be concerned about" ??

    Maybe, maybe not, personally I would not take medical advice from someone on the net in place of my own doctor.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    There is nothing wrong with you, you just got a tear and maybe piles from forcing to get out what your not use to. Try to eat a banana a day or prunes to soften your stool. Also go to boots or a pharmacy and get germoloids cream / suppositories which will heal and take away any piles. Don't worry as it's bright red blood it's definitely surface bleeding not internal. My husband had the same thing.

    Exerpted from

    "Cancers and polyps of the colon and rectum can cause bright red rectal bleeding, maroon colored stools, and sometimes melena. The colon cancers and polyps located near the rectum and the sigmoid colon are more likely to cause mild intermittent bright red rectal bleeding; while colon cancers located in the right colon are more likely to cause occult bleeding that over time can lead to moderate or severe iron deficiency anemia."

    Yes, this is PROBABLY not cancer, but telling someone that they are definitely okay and shouldn't worry is not good. The OP is probably okay, almost certainly okay, but should most definitely see a doctor rather than assume all is well and not attend to this.

  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Sounds like you may need to up your water intake or maybe add some prunes or prune juice to soften them up a bit. I'm regular as clock work and never have to push the big one through. I avg 2-3 a day and on a really good day may do 4.

    ETA: Totally agree that a call to the doctor is probably a good thing as well. Better safe than sorry.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    If it's bright red, it's most likely external irritation from the denser pooh's and all that's associated with that...but to help ease your mind and the your doc's office.