Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred! Who has done it?

skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey guys!

I wanted to see who all has done the 30 Day Shred, and if you liked it, and your results from it. I'm kind of iffy about buying it and I wanted to see what everyone thought of it first and your experiences with it!

Thank you!


  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Honestly, I want to beat the crap outta Jillian b/c she annoys me to death....but I just try to ignore her ;) I'm currently on day 26 so far & can't say that I've really lost much weight (if any), but I can tell that I'm getting more toned & have lost 1/2" here & there. It was only ~$7 on Amazon, so pretty cheap I think.

    I should add that I usually do some other form of cardio along w/ the dvd nearly every day.
  • vetsnatural
    vetsnatural Posts: 186 Member
    Hi skpresley20, I just bought the DVD yesterday and plan on starting it this weekend. I hear a lot about people not losing alot of weight but definitely inches. I think some of the reason is that people are retaining water due to the strength training. Believe me, I will take those inches over that Freakin' Scale any day. Inches will get you in that smaller size. As I gain muscle and keep monitoring my eating habits , the weight will come off. I will let you know how things work out on Monday with my Start.
  • teresa262
    teresa262 Posts: 2
    I love the Shred!!! I lost 20 lbs in about 3 months when I had first started it. She really pushes you, and circuit training is the best way to burn calories and fat. Each level you can choose which girl to follow for intensity, and it really helps on the days you are sore. I love all of her tapes, and always see results fairly quickly. Good luck
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    I've done it and am close to finishing it for the third time (I occasionally work it in with my other workouts). I very highly recommend it as a great introduction to working out at home. Jillian isn't annoying to me at all--she's inspiring and uplifting to me--but then again I've never watched any of her TV shows; I've just done her workout DVDs. I've noticed a lot of improvement in general muscle tone and have lost inches all over thanks to her. Take the plunge and go buy it...for the price it's an awesome investment!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member

    I'm currently on day 17, as of two days ago when I last checked my weight had not changed but I had lost two (seriously, TWO) inches from both my waist, and my belly, and just under two from my hips. I'll take it!
    I also find Jillian annoying but it's only 20 minutes so it's fine. Aside from losing inches I FEEL a lot stronger as well, which is awesome. I'm currently in a group on here that started June1, it has been a huge source of support for all of us, I highly recommend starting a group on here and doing it together! :)
  • I've tried it a couple of times. I'm in pretty good shape, work out 3-6 times a week, and it kicked my *kitten*. If you can stick to it, I'm sure it will do wonders to your body. Unfortunatly all it did for me was to take all the joy away from working out, so I stopped trying after a week and went back to my other routines instead.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is not a good way to start working out. If you feel bad about yourself because it's hard, don't think there's anything wrong with you. It really is a HARD workout.

    Best of luck! I hope it treats you better than it did me ;-)

    Much love and support, "Blanca"
  • MrBuckeye
    MrBuckeye Posts: 52
    I am on day 13. I did 10 days of level 1 and am now on level 2. But I am doing lots of other things too. I want to punch her in the face, but I keep chugging along!
  • KSfitgal
    KSfitgal Posts: 59 Member
    Hilarious! Jillian Michaels bugs me too, however I do feel good. I am losing more weight, but I also think that has to do with the fact I am exercising. It is nice though. 20 minute workout and there are 3 workouts to choose from. I don't do it everyday because I am so out of shape I pulled a muscle on the side of my stomach doing push ups. The work out 1 is easy to follow, and you definitely feel the burn. I recommend it. $9 at Target. You just need a mat and some light weights.
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    im starting it this weekend!
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    I'm currently on Day 19 and I love it. I love how quick it is, how intense it can feel, how easily modified (and therefore attainable) it is and how her encouragements always seem to come at just the right moments during it.
    I have not really lost weight with it, but I'm down to those last 7lbs, so I need more intensity for that. But as to toning, awesome results. My abs have definition, my shoulders and arms are rockin' it and my legs are solid now. I was still so mushy before starting it and I can't wait to see final results in another 11 days. I would definitely recommend it, expecially as it is one of the least expensive ones out there that actually delivers results.

    Additional info: If you are going to do this you want to do either extra stretching or walking/moving around after each time. It cuts down on the muscle soreness, since her cooldown isn't really long enough.
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    There are dozens of threads already started about the 30 day shred. You can use the search engine to find them quickly.
    Here is a link to one with a lot of very inspiring before and after pictures from the 30 day shred.
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    I started the shred on Memorial Day, did the first level for 10 days straight and quit. There is a lot of jumping and it was really hard on my knees. After doing several other kinds of workouts, I think I've strengthened my legs enough to begin again. You can rent this DVD from Netflix as an alternative to purchasing it. Also, there's a "kit" available at Walmart. It has a set of 3lb handweights and a mat. It was $15.

    I'm down to do it again if anyone wants to set up a virtual group!
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
  • vetsnatural
    vetsnatural Posts: 186 Member
    I started the 30 day shred last night and I was a little scared at first but it went very well. Yesterday morning I had done 105 minutes of brisk walking , then bowled 9 games and then went home at about 930pm and did the 30 day shred. My body is not sore this morning but I did sweat alot and I think over a prolong period of time, the toning will definitely take place. For a 20 minute workout it is very nice as a supplement to other exercising. I will continue to try to do this on a daily basis. I rarely have a day where I don't have 30 minutes to spare. I will try level one at least for 7-10 days and move to level 2 and so on. Looking for the toning and reduction in inches .... continuing the healthy journey.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Me and the wife are working on 30DS. We are only on Day 3 but so far so good. It is a tough workout but its only 20 minutes. True, JM can get a little annoying to listen to, but any video you watch repetitiously will do that to you. We crank up the stereo to our favorite music and just leave the dvd volume on high enough to hear when the exercises are changing....we also leave the DVD player on aroudn the clock with the dvd on the main menu screen...otherwise it takes forever for the workout to start up due to the biggest loser intro and the 3-2-1 system intro and ads that you can't skip...that is the most annoying!
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    Me and the wife are working on 30DS. We are only on Day 3 but so far so good. It is a tough workout but its only 20 minutes. True, JM can get a little annoying to listen to, but any video you watch repetitiously will do that to you. We crank up the stereo to our favorite music and just leave the dvd volume on high enough to hear when the exercises are changing....we also leave the DVD player on aroudn the clock with the dvd on the main menu screen...otherwise it takes forever for the workout to start up due to the biggest loser intro and the 3-2-1 system intro and ads that you can't skip...that is the most annoying!
    Im so glad you said that ...it is annoying that you can't skip through certain parts, the ads and all. Hearing it the first time is enough, I think this everytime time I turn it on...Im on Day 7. I love the idea of turning music up I will do that tomorrow :)
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I am on D10L2 and in the first 5 days I lost 3 inches...I really like this workout...20 min and you are done and SWEATING like a PIG!!!!! I think it is WAY worth the money!!
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
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