Weight Keeps yo/yoing back & forth

moonball Posts: 3
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All Ya
! Can't say what I wanted to or I would get bleeped. :bigsmile: Just joined tonite. Will keep it short. Biggest problem is after I lose all of my wt. countless times I sabotage my hard earned efforts by starting to eat snacks & going out to restaurants (buffets) & then gaining it all back again. Was at my target wt. before beg. of summer but gained 10 lbs at end. Now have 20 lbs to lose. Need some support & diet buddies to help me to start exercising again & also not to binge. Kathy from NJ. Welcome all age groups to chat w/me but prefer the oldie but goodie crowd cuz I'm no Spring chicken at 59.


  • Hi All Ya
    ! Can't say what I wanted to or I would get bleeped. :bigsmile: Just joined tonite. Will keep it short. Biggest problem is after I lose all of my wt. countless times I sabotage my hard earned efforts by starting to eat snacks & going out to restaurants (buffets) & then gaining it all back again. Was at my target wt. before beg. of summer but gained 10 lbs at end. Now have 20 lbs to lose. Need some support & diet buddies to help me to start exercising again & also not to binge. Kathy from NJ. Welcome all age groups to chat w/me but prefer the oldie but goodie crowd cuz I'm no Spring chicken at 59.
  • Welcome to MFP. You will find support here. Committment is hard, but so worth it. This is the first time I have been dead serious about losing the weight and keeping it off. It is not about losing it just so I can start eating badly again. This is a lifestyle change. If I ever reach my goal, I will still be here logging my meals and I will definitely keep exercising. I'm no spring chicken either, 47, but I've been heavy all my life so this is a HUGE change for me. Keep at it, it will get easier and easier to eat and do the right things.
  • PBJSAND: Liked your comment about a "Lifestyle Change" if only I could stick with it. I know what foods are bad for me but I keep on eating them. Like tonite I had 3 slices of bread & also 2 pieces of Italian rum cake along with my dinner. My willpower has been nil lately. I need to go back on my diet again or I will be gaining it all back before you know it. I usually do OK while at work with the breakfast & lunch but when I come home after dinner seems to be the hardest for me. Kathy from NJ. Hope that you & other members will write back to me soon as I really do need the encouragement. :drinker:
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome on board moonball, this is a really great site everyone is so supportive and when you stick to it the results do come. In regards to yo yo-ing weight wise I found it really useful to keep a paper food journal for 2/3weeks when i am struggling and write down how I was feeling when eating, what i was doing i.e.

    Monday 6am: Half asleep, tired not really hungry at home

    same day 10am: bag of chips, kit kat work busy forgot fruit, stressed out at work

    3pm: toast x 4 slices with butter & jam, bag of chips x 2 soooo hungry after shift, bored too

    5pm: soup eating due to it being tea time

    7pm: ice cream bag of chips bored watching t.v.

    I hope you get the idea, then through doing this you will begin to see the link between when you are most likely to sabotage your hard work...I find if I skip meals or am bored or upset I am more likely to over-eat.

    Not sure if this is helpful but hope you find the site useful to continuing your weight loss journey

    Luv skiski :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hi All Ya
    ! Can't say what I wanted to or I would get bleeped. :bigsmile: Just joined tonite. Will keep it short. Biggest problem is after I lose all of my wt. countless times I sabotage my hard earned efforts by starting to eat snacks & going out to restaurants (buffets) & then gaining it all back again. Was at my target wt. before beg. of summer but gained 10 lbs at end. Now have 20 lbs to lose. Need some support & diet buddies to help me to start exercising again & also not to binge. Kathy from NJ. Welcome all age groups to chat w/me but prefer the oldie but goodie crowd cuz I'm no Spring chicken at 59.

    Chicken, did someone say chicken???:bigsmile:
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