Lost 72 pounds. I'm finding it again...

I'm Jill. Last year I lost 72 lbs between January and December and hit my goals of not being obese anymore (from morbidly obese to overweight was amazing), and climbed a mountain (no small feat for a person who uses a wheelchair 80-90 percent of the time). BUT - I'm finding that lost weight here and there, and I was having a really hard time tracking all those little calories that seem to add up. The last thing I want to do is to EVER go back to that weight, but alas, I'm obese yet again. So my new goal is to lose the 13 pounds I've gained since December and KEEP IT OFF! And maybe a few more pounds after that.

I like to hike and kayak, neither of which are easy when you are so overweight that it hurts to move. So that's why I'm here.

If anyone knows of good wheelchair exercises that aren't boring, please let me know!
