Needing some extra support/encouragement!

abalicious Posts: 361 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Some of you might have read my post last night that my boyfriend and I broke up yesterday afternoon. Sigh.

Well not just that, it's that TOM plus I'm an emotional eater. It's really hard dealing with all these things at once, not to mention I feel like my head fell off somewhere and I can't find it. I feel like I cannot think straight. I had class today at 11:20 but walked in at 12:20 because I swore thats when it started. Then I failed a math quiz because of careless, stupid errors. I had a good breakfast but then ate a 657 calorie taco salad and 3 cookies for lunch.

I'm kind of terrified to go to the gym because I fear I'm gonna fall off the treadmill or something. haha. But my MFP friends have convinced me to go anyways. I feel like I'm going to have a difficult next couple of weeks and would really like some extra support in any way it can be provided! Add me as a friend, send inspiring quotes, just anything! :flowerforyou:


  • cstev1
    cstev1 Posts: 1
    go buy a cute piece for your workout wardrobe. Every time you feel sad, try and look hotter at the gym. Ask all of your friends to set you up on one date. You have to look nice for a date and it gets you out of the house. Everyone feels better when they look better and having to go on a date will get you dressed up.
  • Alishaa18
    Alishaa18 Posts: 21
    I can relate to the emotional eating!..I know your mind is racing and food is comfort, boy do I know!!..But try finding a friend to hang out with. I love to read so I would drown myself in a good book. You can get busy with a project. When me and my boyfriend brokeup I started cleaning out my closets and organizing and it kept me out of the refrigerator. Plus it made me feel better that I got something positive accomplished. Goodluck and hang in there!!!.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Try writing down your schedule. If I don't write things down, I forget, and I am not where you are. :)Maybe "schedule" your workouts like you would schedule a dentist appointment. This might help you make yourself go. I am a bored eater, and happy, sad, eater, so I feel you. Tomorrow is a new day. Get some much needed sleep. I 2nd the reading. I forget about everything when I'm into a good book. I also agree with the cleaning. Gut your bedroom, redo it. You don't have to use money for it either. just move stuff around works, and may even help to get rid of some memories. I totally feel your pain, I hope you get back on track.

  • ElmersGlue
    ElmersGlue Posts: 13
    Aww. Great job on going to the gym anyways! I did a bit worse than you, I actually skipped my gym session this morning. It's been one of those weeks, I've just been feeling a bit down constantly and definitely nibbling on dark chocolate more than I realized. :D I have to say though, looking back at it...the best parts where I actually felt good were the times I went to hot yoga with a friend. I felt good exercising and that also meant I didn't keep obsessing about other problems, so I was much more relaxed. If you can, you should grab a work-out buddy (it makes me way more motivated to go, unlike my solo scheduled gym thing this morning :D)!
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