Rate my diary

skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Just do it and be blunt and honest.
I know it's HORRIBLE, but trust me it's MUCH less than I what I used to eat.

Edit: *Oh and don't just look at today. Take a look over the past few days/weeks.


  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    I really hated the 13th. You were WAY over calories and sodium! i think you should exercise some more and eat a little less fast food (taco bell) but i think thats really it
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!I checked your diary.Your protein is low.Your soduim is high as well as carbs.
    I would suggest some vegetables and fruit.
    Good luck
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    It's not that you're eating a LOT, you're just eating a lot of stuff that isn't too great for you! Are you losing weight like this?? Because you are still around your calorie goal most of the time. I used to eat kind of like this... not as much sweets during the day but close. I'd say trade the cookies/cake/candy/chocolate/granola bar snacks for fruit mixed into yogurt... I like Source 0% Vanilla with fresh strawberries... and some whipped cream! Still delish but way better for you. Then maybe have one dessert after dinner if you realllly want it. I started eating better about a week and a half ago (lots of brown rice, only ONE treat a day which is usually a slice of rye bread with nutella, very little processed food, lots of good fats from almonds, eggs, peanuts, almond butter etc, no pasta, potatoes, pizza or white bread) and I have lost about 4 lbs and i feel GREAT. I still let myself have that one small treat a day though to keep me going!

    Just try substituting one treat a day for a fruit instead and slowly start increasing the fruit/veggies/good fats and reducing the sweets :)
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    Look at Monday's diary. You were way over your sodium intake, and more than doubled your calories. It's not hard to do, but now that you're becoming more concious of what you're eating, be careful.

    It seems as if you eat A LOT of sweets. Not just a daily sweet, but multiple times a day. There's also a lot of breads and grains, and you're not eating enough fruit and vegetables. Most fruit is filled with so much water, it helps you feel fuller longer and many vegetables are filled with fiber, which give you that full feeling, so you won't eat as much or be as tempted to eat something unhealthy.

    Keep tracking your food intake and you'll start to make better decisions. Best of luck.
  • mizfrankie
    mizfrankie Posts: 100
    I really think you need more protein. You're high in sodium but always have left over protein. If you find it hard to eat maybe you should look at a protein supplement like whey protein or soya protein. You can find it with low calories and very low 3-4% carbs but 70-80% protein. This would really help. Usually you can mix it with water or milk OR add it into a fresh fruit smoothie. It's also great for directly after a workout.

    Otherwise - you're looking like you're on the right track for sure.
  • well, your doing a good job logging what you eat, but i noticed you eat a lot of sweets and fast food. but other than that it looks pretty good. Maybe try eating more natural sugars instead of the cookies and candy:)
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Well, you already know it's pretty horrible, so you probably already have a pretty good idea of what's wrong with it :-) Congratulations on cutting back and making an effort to improve what you're eating - becoming aware of what you're actually putting in your mouth is a big step forward.

    Many days you are close to your calorie target but most of the foods you are eating are junk and devoid of any real nutritional value. First, cut out the junk snacks and stop skipping meals. You're on the right track with some of your breakfasts (the ones that involved eggs and bread, not the ones that involved cake :-) ), and some of the lunches were ok. You need to add in more fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins, less of the sugary snacks and fast foods. You'll find that healthy, natural foods will keep you fuller longer than the sugary/starchy ones that cause your blood sugar to fluctuate wildly. You don't need to deprive yourself entirely - I occasionally have a meal out, and I love my Skinny Cow ice cream treat every night, but the rest of the time I try to eat very healthy. This is really about changing your lifestyle to a healthy one, and making long-term changes. Start substituting healthier food choices for some of the less healthy ones. You don't need to do everything at once, but start trying to make better choices more often. If you have to have fast food, go someplace you can get a salad (watch the dressing), or a healthy sandwish (like Subway), rather than Taco Bell and Little Ceasars :-)

    Hope this helps, good luck!
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    I really think you need more protein. You're high in sodium but always have left over protein. If you find it hard to eat maybe you should look at a protein supplement like whey protein or soya protein. You can find it with low calories and very low 3-4% carbs but 70-80% protein. This would really help. Usually you can mix it with water or milk OR add it into a fresh fruit smoothie. It's also great for directly after a workout.

    Otherwise - you're looking like you're on the right track for sure.

    Protein shake is a great idea!! I started using IsoFlex Whey Protein it has 110 calories, no sugar, no fat and maybe 3 carbs?? I use chocolate and blend it with low fat strawberry yogurt and fresh strawberries... today it kept me STUFFED for 2 hours!! I couldnt even think about eating I was so full! yay!

    *edit- it also has 27g of protein!!
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, but are protein bars(Clif or Lunabars) just as good as protein shakes?
  • history_grrrl
    history_grrrl Posts: 216 Member
    Like everyone else, I noticed right away that you're high on sodium (oops, didn't mean it like that!) and that you're eating almost no fruits or vegetables (for the days I looked at, I noticed grapes once, and no veggies -- except French fries and onion rings). There are a lot of processed sugary snacks and chips. Some days you're great on water consumption, but other times you're not drinking water at all (or maybe you're just not recording it?).

    I echo the suggestion to substitute fresh fruit for the sweets. I find this easy to do in the summer because I love blueberries, cherries, strawberries, peaches, etc. Are there some types of fruit you really like? See if you can stock up and start making that change (but still pay attention to portions).

    Also: it's not fair that naan has so many calories. I wonder if there's a low-cal naan somewhere out there, in my dreams.
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    How does my diary look for tomorrow?
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    Tomorrow's definitely looks better!!! Another word of advice... I found that after increasing my protein and decreasing my simple carbs at breakfast I lost weight faster and felt a lot better!! My typical morning breakfast is a slice of rye bread with almond butter, 5-10 almonds, and half a cup of strawberries (and of course my morning coffee with either skim milk or almond milk). If you wanted more protein for breakfast you could easily swap the Nabisco crackers for a slice of whole wheat bread and add an egg, sunnyside up on top! yum! Or scrambled with a slice of low fat cheese!

    Personally, I dont worry about going over on carbs and fats anymore, as long as the majority of both (almost all!) come from complex carbs, fruit, veggies, nuts and lean meats! Your diary definitely looks better tomorrow and I like that you are having a trail mix in the morning for a snack! I like No Name Brand Original Trail Mix with Raisins. If it were me, I would have 1/4 cup of my trail mix (200 cals), and split the tortilla in half. OR I would make sure the tortilla is whole wheat!

    Good job :) Looking better!!
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I think you should look for The Carbohydrate Addcits diet. It's an old book but from looking at your diary you seem to have the same problem I had. You are willing to give up real food in order to have your sugary carbs. It also looks like you start out each morning with a decent breakfast and great intentions. If you have a sensitivity to carbs and sugar you are going to have to detox yourself from them. If you can't give them up cold turkey try this. Every single time you eat you MUST have a protein in addition to whatever you are eating., It doesn't have to break the bank either, try a single serving of jerky, a slice of good lunch meat, etc. but add some protein to your carbs and you might see a big difference.
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    Nothing Wong with the amount your eating per-say, its what you are and aren't eating,

    Stop eating cake for breakfast, I know what sucks BUT your body needs fuel, good fuel, not cake, ones in a while is one thing, but all the time?

    Eat more protein!

    Watch your sodium intake.

    Can you say more veggies?
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