Just Me

sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
My goal is to get down to 190 or so. I have been overweight my whole life which has caused me to have a very low self-esteem (though most people never know because I am always smiling and seem so happy). I have never been married and have had few serious relationships, again very embarrassing to admit. A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol.

I am ready to start a new chapter in my life where I will be healthier, look good, have confidence in myself and to be able to ask someone out on a date without being so self conscious, and be more open and honest with myself. I have some support from friends and family but could always use a little more. I need all the help I can get to stay on track to reach my goals. I am going to Hawaii for the first time next summer for a friends wedding. Would love to go there and strut my stuff on the beach knowing that I look good.


  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    You can totally do it. :) You'll rock that beach! And probably have some hottie on your arm, whilst doing it. ;)
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Hi! This is a great place to be! Good Luck reaching your goals.

    And how cool about the wedding in Hawaii - that' sgoing to be one great vacation!
  • Welcome! This is a great place! Feel free to add me
  • GDWoodruff
    GDWoodruff Posts: 8 Member
    You can do it brother!! You and i are in exactly the same boat! I can do it & You can do it.....WE can do it!!!!
  • LeeLynnP
    LeeLynnP Posts: 116 Member
    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

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  • kelstahzz
    kelstahzz Posts: 6
    You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hawaii will be sooo worth it. (I need an exotic vacation plan to keep me motivated too!)

    And maybe you'll even meet a cute date!!!
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    the great thing is that everyone here is in the same (or a similar, but slightly different model) boat.

    Let's support each other, work our butts off, maybe be hungry, but not starve... and then strut our-hot-selves 12 months from now!
  • BecBe4
    BecBe4 Posts: 20
    Good luck in your journey! You can do it and there is so much support here, it is unbelievable. Feel free to add me if you would like.
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