
Cyn133 Posts: 1
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I've always had to struggle with my weight, but had it under control until I was promoted and moved. Let my career take over my life and now I'm trying to get my life back and my weight back under control.

I believe this is a good place to work on that. :-)


  • welcome...!!!
  • leshagen
    leshagen Posts: 36
    Welcome and good luck! You will find lots of positive support on MFP. :D
  • Hnlopez72
    Hnlopez72 Posts: 4
    Welcome...I'm am new too and you will really enjoy mfp...I've been using this site for the past 10 days and have found it completely helpful in everyway. Good luck, We are all here to help support one another :) God Bless
  • Postlethwaite
    Postlethwaite Posts: 90 Member
    Cyn133, I tend to think you are right about this being a good place to work on things. I am very new.. day two in fact but so far I am liking the nutritional break down. I have tried a gazillion other sites and communities and found a lot of them lacked the community, or the tracking, or the well of motivation and information. This site is a welcome change:)
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Welcome!! I believe you will find this site very helpful and encouraging! I love the fact that at the end of every day it tells you how much you will weigh 5 weeks from now, if you stay on the right track. Another thing I like about this site is that it has almost every food I have needed so far. I have tried other sites and most don't have as large of a database and you have to enter and search all the nutrition info yourself.
    Good luck!! There is a lot of support on here!
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    welcome, this is also my first week and I am loving it. I am the worst at keeping tract of what I eat which is how I got to be where I am at. I have tried other diets and have been sucessful but very quickly put the weight back on and then some. This site is so helpful. I love the way it tracks your daily intake and the data of food is large. I find everything I need.

    Good Luck to you and God Bless
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