Exercising while Breastfeeding. Need advise!

I need to know how many calories I need to add to my diet since I'm nursing yet still meet my weight loss goals. Your help is appreciated. =)


  • Blakemore1229
    depending on the age u need 500 for newborn u can drop it by some depending how often you feed the baby, when i started mine was 10 months did 300 calories for breastfeeding by 11 months i droped it to 150 since she was only eatting like 3 times a day
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    It depends how old you little one is and how often you are feeding. You can actually log it into your food diary and it will subtract certain number of calories. Look up breast feeding or nursing (i cant remember which one) in the food diaru and you can work out what is best for you....