When I got hit by an SUV at 14.

sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
*Some of you may have already read this.... when I used to open My Blog. But I don't blog anymore and I'd like to share a story about a challenge I went through. Since then, I've been through lots more.. but that is for my novel :) LOL.

*I just want to inspire people and if sharing my story does that... YAY!

When I got hit by an SUV... and my life changed dramatically.

**This is the SHORT version of the story** (and just one of the amazingly wonderful things that has happened to me in my life)

*When I was a freshman in High School I was on a 4-wheeler and hit by a car on the side of the highway going over 65 mph. I shattered my leg, severed two ligaments, broke my ankle, broke C7 vertebra in my neck, and had three head injuries. One of the surgeries I had (six total) on my leg gave me a severe bone infection. (Osteomyelitis) They told me at 15 years old that they were probably going to have to amputate my leg. And if they could save it, it was very unlikely that I would be able to walk without a limp, if at all! They also said I would "Never" bend my knee more than 90 degrees.

*THREE YEARS of recovery later - (and after being in a wheelchair/crutches for over a year!) I was released from my doctor - WITH my leg and walking completely normal. It took a lot of hard work. And I mean A LOT of hard work. Balancing school (I was able to graduate with my class because I took extra classes outside of school to make up for the days I missed when I was in the hospital), physical therapy (2 1/2 hours - 3 days a week) and all the other stressors of being a teenager (friends, boys, what-not!) - was very difficult but I DID IT.

*By the time I was a Senior in high school, I was done with physical therapy, doctors, hospitalizations (four long ones!), and back to being my normal self. I proved them wrong - you wouldn't even know I had such an injury just by looking at me (no limp) and bending my knee almost 130 degrees!! (uhhh way more than 90!!!)

*I still have lots of pain every day. And there are still lots of things I cannot do. But I am alive and walking.

*I may have lots of scars, but those just tell a little of my story.


  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    WOW Sarah!!! I knew you were strong..... but WOWWWW!!! Good for you on not giving up and letting the doctors tell you how your life would be!!!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    :) lol. You'll have to read the book I am writing about the rest of my life :) ...well from then til now :) hahha
    and thanks!!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I love triumph stories :) Thanks for sharing yours! That is truely fantastic, you're incredibly strong to be able to get through it all with a smile
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
  • Koalaboo
    Koalaboo Posts: 64 Member
    BRAVO. Seriously, that is incredible and you are very admirable. I don't know if I could have done the same. <3
  • ashleyelizabeth1020
    This is amazing, you are so inspirational! I really hope you get to publish the book you are writing! i would love to read it!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Thanks! I have been working on it since forever.. i do have a rough draft done but it's not how I want it. I'm looking into getting an editor but they are expensive. :) but i am definitely working on it!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    oops. double post