Hey guys

Leanne_A7X Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hey, I'm Leanne and I'm new to this so I just thought that I'd introduce myself. I'm working hard at becoming more healthier and have been for awhile now. In September, I weighed in at about 115 pounds....115 pound of straight up fat. I was average. For months, I didn't do any physical activity. In January, I had began noticing that I had lost weight. I then weighed in at about 110 pounds. In March, I joined handball which got me into being more physically active. By then, I weighed at about 105 pounds. After that, I had began going at it pretty hardcore; 600+ sit ups, 1 mile of running/jogging everyday, in addition to a bunch of other cardio workouts. By April/May, I dropped to 100 pounds, then to 98. I had gotten this far by cutting back and restricting plus the exercise. During the month of May, I was starting to slip, binge, cheat, ect. I would always try to work it off after I excessively eat. When June came around, I came to an all time low. For the past three weeks, I've been over eating almost everyday ( with the exception of 1 or 2 days ). I'm still exercising, but just not as intensely, and not as much. I've now gone from 98 pounds, to 107-110 in about 2-3 weeks. I've now developed a binge-eating disorder and I just can't stop myself from eating. On average, I would usually eat 3000-5000 calories a day. I've tried almost everything and nothing is working. I'm trying to get myself back on track and get back to about 98-100 pounds again ( I'm a very small person so weighing at about 107-110 is extremely noticable on me ). This disorder has taken over me; I can't focus on anything else but food and gaining weight. I know that it's not healthy, but I can't help myself. I joined this site so I could track my eating habits and exercising a lot better. Hopefully I'll lose what I've gained and overcome this binge eating disorder. If there are any people with the same problem, I'd love to hear your story. I know how hard it is and I've dying to get over it.


  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi Leanne, welcome to MFP! May I ask how tall you are?
  • Thanks for the welcome :) I'm 5'2 and I'm pretty sure that I've stopped physically growing too :/
  • neuroticlin89
    neuroticlin89 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Leanne, I'm about 5'3 and as far as what I know, I don't think 98lbs is a healthy weight to be at. I have a friend who is 5'2 and she's very petite and thin and she's in the 105-110 range.

    I've had the same issue as well with binge eating disorder. It has improved substantially from before, mainly because I'm broke haha. but even then i end up always looking for food to binge on. So, I would say that one of the first ways to try to deal with it is to rid your house of unhealthy snacks and foods as much as possible. When you do end up bingeing you'll be forced to binge on something that isn't as delicious. Also, if it's not easily accessible, it's harder to binge as often as you would if it were within an arms length away. It is such a problem though and i know how you feel. I used to be 115, and while it may sound like a very low weight to other people, I was also 115lbs of straight up fat and depending on your body type or where the fat goes, it can be very visible.

    That being said, i'm wondering what your diet was when you were restricting and cutting back. A lot of times, if your diet is not practical or something that you can easily abide by for a longer range of time, it increases the likelihood of a binge episode at some point or another. Even if you go without it for a certain period of time.
  • neuroticlin89
    neuroticlin89 Posts: 57 Member
    bingeing on oreos right now :( aaaaah and it sucks because u can't stop even when it stops tasting good :\ i feel gross.
  • Yeah. I don't know if I made this clear on my intro, but right now, my goal isn't to lose the weight. I think My weight right now isn't too bad, but I would prefer to be 107-110 pounds of muscle, rather than fat. What i'm trying to focus on right now is to stop the binging. It's extremely difficult. Back when I was restricting/cutting, I would start off at a decent amount of calories; I would usually consume 800 ish a day. The further I go into it, the more I began to cut back. It got to the point where I had a grape for breakfast plus some gatorade and water, half a 100g serving of yogurt for lunch, and about half a cup of rice with a cup of vegetables for supper. I regret restricting and cutting back. All of that has caught up to me and now I'm out of control.

    And I know how you feel. I've just binged a couple of hours ago( 4000 + calories ). I don't purge though. I just let the guilt get to me. It destroys me and keeps me from living life to it's fullest. I'm sooo tempted to have some chicken wings that my mom just ordered right now :(
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I'm 5'2" too but 43 years old. I did a round of P90X and have gained great muscle tone. I'm a former gymnast (many moons ago) and I am almost back to my old figure... without the strength I had back then though. I'm 3 lbs away from my goal weight of 124.0. I was 113 lbs when I was 18 years old and at the peak of my gymnastics career. I don't think 107-110 is too low for people our size, but I wouldn't go any lower! 98 is dangerously low... even for us. When I started weight lifting, I became much leaner but my weight increased to 118. I didn't mind the weight increase because my body was sculpted and I looked healthy.

    Feel free to friend me for support!
  • You're right. Now that I think about it, 98 pounds is unrealistic. My goal shouldn't revolve around a number; it should be more based on getting toned and losing fat. Do you have any tips that would help me get back on track?
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