Pregnant and worried about weight gain

moleymole Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm Nicki, I am 20 weeks pregnant and have so far put on 1st and 6lb :(, I do hold a lot of water in pregnancy but still I have also been a piggy :(

So I am doing myfitnesspal to try and maintain a little bit and do minimal damage in the 2nd half of pregnancy. Baby is healthy and happy and a little girl :) and I want to exercise more - or at all LOL xx

Anyone else pregnant on here ????

Nicki xxx


  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    I am 16 weeks pregnant and have put on about 13 pounds so far. This is my second pregnancy and I statred out a lot lighter this time about 138, so I'm not stressing too much, last time I breastfed for 9 months and ended up losing heaps.
    I just walk for exercise and log at about 2000 cals.

    I would love to run as I did pre pregnancy and I'm sure my dogs would love me to, but I already have the duck waddle going and have trouble getting out of a chair so fast walking is about it for me and have been noticing lately that I'm out of breathe easily.

    I wouldn't worry too much, this is our last child so I am happy I can get fat one more time without worrying. pancake parlour for desert tonight, woohoo wont be logging that one!

  • moleymole
    moleymole Posts: 5
    yeah its our last one aswell and I too lost a lot of weight in prep for getting pregnant - I think I'm just panicing I'm going to put about 5 stone on at this rate lol

    I am still lighter than I was last time pre-pregnancy so its good really.

    I am feeling so well and last time had really bad SPD so am thankful I can do excercise this time - I might try and start walking a bit and got pregnancy yoga dvd that I'm trying to do (well done once lol)

    Thanks for the reply its nice to talk to someone in the same boat xx
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Hey! I'm about 5 weeks pregnant (just found out a week ago), first baby, and if I count back I've already gained more than 6 lbs!!! I'm walking and gardening for exercise, but if I do more than 1-2 hours of even that kind of activity I feel weak and dizzy so I'm just resting when I need to and going at my own pace. I hear dizziness and fatigue are common in the first trimester.

    I'm really not wanting to gain more than I should with this pregnancy, but I am pretty much ravenously hungry and just want to grab a bag of bagels and go to town. Some days I don't... some days I do lol.

    My mom has majorly bad stretch marks from her kids and they are genetic (so basically I'm getting them). One of the best ways I can minimize them is to gain weight gradually and not gain more than I need too. I've already started slathering myself with cocoa and almond oil, lol. It smells soooo good!!

    Glad to talk to a fellow preggers mfp-er
  • moleymole
    moleymole Posts: 5
    hey there - congratulations :) yes I felt tired beyond tired at your stage its not nice, I was very sick so all I wanted to eat was junk and put about 12lb on by 12 weeks :( I do think a lot is water retention though.

    Listen to your body if you need to sleep then sleep at this stage - it does get easier :) xxxx
  • mrstyler
    mrstyler Posts: 43
    There is also a group - Pregnancy June 2011 here :) I highly recommend joining since it gets a fair amount of traffic and its a great way to get support for everything during your pregnancy.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Not prego here (but have been), and I wouldn't worry about weight gain being pregnant. Your going to gain the weight... but it's easy to lose! Most will go away on it's own (even faster and more if you breastfeed). My personal opinion is don't try to control your weight at this time. Def. don't restrict calories and "diet" being preggers. if you are hungry, eat!! Your baby is going to get the nutrients first, then you get what's left over, so you are going to be hungry.

    Concentrate more on WHAT you are eating, rather then how OFTEN you are.
  • ButterflyKristen
    ButterflyKristen Posts: 109 Member
    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! I personally am trying to limit my weight gain on this pregnancy (nine weeks along). So far, I have not gained any weight, which I understand is healthy for the first trimester. Then, if you started out being "overweight" when you got pregnant, 20 to 25 pound weight gain is recommended. If you were obese starting out, recommended gain is even less.

    Obviously, don't worry about your gain thus far. Enjoy your pregnancy, but be sure to get in the nutrients you and baby need. Do some research on what amounts of what nutrients are recommended. To be sure, I have a treat just about every day. But I also make sure I get in the good stuff.

    Please friend me if you want support on having a fit pregnancy. Also, I follow and participate on the thread: "fit fabulous and pregnant June 2011".
  • Tinak732
    Tinak732 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 25 weeks pregnant & have gained 24 lbs. I got yelled at by my doctor the other day so I am determined to try to keep my weight gain low for the next couple months. I eat pretty healthy most of the time, but have been a lot more hungry than usual the past few weeks.

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