Fibromylagia sufferer - question re whey protein powders

iojoi Posts: 378 Member
since I have been on MFP I have come to realise that my protein is low and the thing is I am now swimming 2 miles a week plus using a punch bag gym etc..... so having read some threads about this I realise that with my illness my low protein is probably making my muscle pain much worse as my body isnt able to repair its-self ! Is there anyone here who knows something about nutrition that can confirm this assupmtion of mine..... and whether this is the way forward for me ? to add that I have found a low dairy carb and low sugar count helps me to function much better, so will the whey protein powders be suitable for me to achieve this? and if so can anyone in the UK tell me which ones taste nice and fall into the catagory that I need..
thanks in advance :smile:


  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    First, I know nothing about your illness, sorry, so my advice is to be taken lightly... and probably then consult someone who knows what they're talking about :)

    I get horrible muscle cramps, especially at night, so I take potassium supplements daily. I've talked to my doctor, since it's not somthing to mess around with. That being said, I have low/normal blood pressure (110/70), people whose is higher need to be more careful.

    Hope this helps a little. :)
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    First, I know nothing about your illness, sorry, so my advice is to be taken lightly... and probably then consult someone who knows what they're talking about :)

    I get horrible muscle cramps, especially at night, so I take potassium supplements daily. I've talked to my doctor, since it's not somthing to mess around with. That being said, I have low/normal blood pressure (110/70), people whose is higher need to be more careful.

    Hope this helps a little. :)

    Actually, potassium lowers blood pressure, so if you are normal or slightly low, then you need to be more careful with potassium then someone who is high. Potassium may actually help lower blood pressure for someone with abnormally high blood pressure.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    since I have been on MFP I have come to realise that my protein is low and the thing is I am now swimming 2 miles a week plus using a punch bag gym etc..... so having read some threads about this I realise that with my illness my low protein is probably making my muscle pain much worse as my body isnt able to repair its-self ! Is there anyone here who knows something about nutrition that can confirm this assupmtion of mine..... and whether this is the way forward for me ? to add that I have found a low dairy carb and low sugar count helps me to function much better, so will the whey protein powders be suitable for me to achieve this? and if so can anyone in the UK tell me which ones taste nice and fall into the catagory that I need..
    thanks in advance :smile:

    Multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.8 to get the grams of protein you need so that you know if you need a supplement or not. Protein needs really aren't as high as a lot of people on here recommend. Even bodybuilders only need 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. The average population is 0.8 grams per kilogram. Some diseases actually cause the body to need less protein then that, too. Fibromyalgia hasn't been classified as one of those yet, but if you have some kind of kidney issue, then the added acidity of the body from not properly excreting the excess nitrogen from protein breakdown could be a problem for the muscles too.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    since I have been on MFP I have come to realise that my protein is low and the thing is I am now swimming 2 miles a week plus using a punch bag gym etc..... so having read some threads about this I realise that with my illness my low protein is probably making my muscle pain much worse as my body isnt able to repair its-self !

    Your assumption seems "realistic" as it is more or less how things work (at least for a person who does not have Fibromylagia, but I am no expert on Fibromylagia so things might be different in your specific case). In theory, eating more proteins won't hurt anyway (unless YOUR body cannot absorb too many proteins for whatever reason).

    In my diet, I take protein shakes on top of a low carbs/low sugar diet. It most definitely helps getting enough proteins, as they can be hard to find if you want to keep your calories under control.

    As for protein taste, I personally like the "reflex Instant Whey", and I always take the chocolate flavour.
    That's how it looks (just took some random shop, so shop around):

    I put 100ml of unsweetened soya milk, 2 scoops of whey proteins and the rest is plain water in a protein shaker, and it tastes good enough.

    Note: you will get a better "protein/calorie" ratio by eating tuna. This protein powder however contains all the amino acids that are supposed to facilitate muscle building (by helping fixing the protein on the muscle if I remember correctly).
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    thanks this is really interesting