If eating late is just a myth, then tell me this...



  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    Depending on what time you stepped on the scale this morning, please realize that the food you ate last night is still in your digestive tract... along with the extra water it takes to digest and distribute the nutrition from that meal. Also- chicken soup is salty. Sodium causes water retention. It takes extra fluid intake to wash that sodium on out.

    what they said.
  • R4z0r4Mm0
    R4z0r4Mm0 Posts: 131
    20 posts with the same answer! You gotta love the support you get from MFP members!!! :)
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    20 posts with the same answer! You gotta love the support you get from MFP members!!! :)

    I know!!! Thanks you guys!
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    It's the sodium. Unless you ate 3500+ calories more than you burned, you didn't gain actual weight. Any of that weight gain was probably either water retention, food weight or waste in your body. I've ate at 12AM some nights because I have not had enough calories and still lost weight.
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I don't think you really "gained" 1.5 lbs. It was more like the weight of the food. I go through this alot and my husband always has to re assure me :)
  • H8T3D
    H8T3D Posts: 77 Member
    I can weigh myself 20 times through the day and get different readings each time. "Anywhere from 2-5 pounds" Your weight fluctuates throughout the day, this is the main reason they say weigh in once a week around the same time frame.
  • blondie_girl14
    blondie_girl14 Posts: 198 Member
    there is no way I can adhere to the "no eating past 7 rule". I get out of work at 5:00, get home about 6:00, get to the gym around 6:30 (I have a healthy snack on the way). when I get home its between 7:30 and 8:00, so I am eating something at that time.
  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    There are plenty of places in the world where eating at 7 would be regarded as freakishly early, and 10 would be perfectly normal...
  • gregthegroove
    IMO...Dont weigh yourself every day. Pick one day a week in the morning right when you get up to weigh yourself.
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    I don't know about the "myth" but I don't eat past 8... not only does my stomach hurt if I eat that late and then go to bed shortly after, but it leaves me no time to burn off the calories I just ate (not necessarily by working them off in the gym, but day-to-day activities). I would rather play it safe and not eat late without a crampy stomach then risk it, hurt and possibly gain. :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    So next time I go out to eat late, should i stick with a grilled chicken breast or salad? Salad dressing has a lot of sodium too tho....
    And you guys are right, I weighed myself just now out of curiousity, and I lost that 1.5 lbs already hahaha it HAS to do with the sodium im guessing. Ive never really watched my sodium intake much but now i will! THanks so much everyone!

    Go ahead and eat that soup and breadstick if that's what you want - just remember that if you have it, the scale might not be too friendly the next morning and give yourself a break. Heck, sometimes my high sodium/high calorie days can take up to three days to clear out before the scale shows another loss.