Looking for gluten free/celiac friends..



  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I was diagnosed gluten intolerant a few years ago, but I cant stand the tast of gluten free food. So I just try not to eat alot of it. I do eat cereal, and I eat bread every now and then. As long as I don't over indulge I'm ok, but when I eat to much I am SICK! So I just try to steer clear of too much of it. Today I had bbq, and I know that it is in the seasoning, bc my stomach is already telling me about it, plus I had mac and cheese and a dinner roll. So, I will pay. But It was good.

    I just find that the older I am the harder it is to change habits. The tastebuds are picky little critters, and mine love gluten, even though my stomach doesn't. So, I am noncomliant. Shame on me.
  • Merrysea
    Merrysea Posts: 11 Member
    I am Celiac and Gluten Free now for 3.5 years. I live in New Zealand .
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Gluten free--feel free to add if you like :)