We Marines dont use burners....OR do we?? Must read!

Ladies and Gentlemen....

For the past three weeks I have been secretly using a fat burning therogenic called OxyElite Pro by usp labs. This can be purchased at your local GNC. I have played with fat burners to keep a six pack in the marines, and this is by far the BEST most natural feeling one so far. A month supply is fourty dollars, which is not bad being that this stuff is absolutley amazing. I train daily for my job in law enforcement. This pill makes me have energy out the butt, and i do not crash. Its like a permanent five our energy shot. My focus is sky high, and im burning so much weight. I have dropped ten lbs in the first week, which is normal being that when you have fat, its unwanted. After the first week ive been down about 4 lbs a week. Ill tell you this, I dont think losing weight could be this much fun. I mean I work from five am to three pm. I then work out and run three miles daily. Im in a wonderful mood due to this pill. You can tell a change in your attitude. This pill also helped me quit smoking as dumb as this sounds. It kept me so great feeling and energetic, I havent smoked in three weeks making me now a non smoker. This pill is amazing and I highly reccomend it for someone looking for a quick loss to fit in thoes last year jeans or before that nice beach vacation. I can tell A huge difference in my muscle deffinition and abs. This is not a gyp, or a blog to sell. I just thought maybe Id let you in on a well kept secret.


  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    As a former Marine, I can tell you I knew of many guys who used all sorts of crap to bulk up, lose rapidly, etc. Many times at the risk of evoking enough suspicion to warrant specialized urinalysis. They were about as emotionally unstable as the Dex guy in The Program and not exactly fun to be around (we were 24hr shift workers in an all-male correctional facility).

    Now most of them are out, finally non-dependent on the stuff, FAT and depressed about to boot. Repeated quick-fixes ended up making for a long-term problem because the REAL issues are never addressed. Eventually, you have to stop taking that stuff. What then?
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't know. I guess I want to do this without any help. I want to learn how to do it without taking any sort of supplements. For me, taking anything extra isn't any different than a "fad diet". Eventually, you'll stop taking it and what happens then?
  • sparky001
    sparky001 Posts: 4
    i have recenty joined so hello everyone .alsojust purchased jimpness weight manager pills and it was the leflet that told me about this site.would be interested if anyone no anything bout them before i start them tomorrow thanks
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Sounds great... But, if I tried it, I know eventually I'd have to stop using it... And what happens then? Back to having no energy, I guess, and it would seem to suck twice as bad. Glad you found something that works for you. I doubt it's the pill though. :) For all you know, the thing could be a placebo. You can lose weight, quit smoking, and have energy without a pill.
  • maryd4love
    maryd4love Posts: 164 Member
    Congrats! on the feeling better!
  • derrickmcgill90
    As a former Marine, I can tell you I knew of many guys who used all sorts of crap to bulk up, lose rapidly, etc. Many times at the risk of evoking enough suspicion to warrant specialized urinalysis. They were about as emotionally unstable as the Dex guy in The Program and not exactly fun to be around (we were 24hr shift workers in an all-male correctional facility).

    Now most of them are out, finally non-dependent on the stuff, FAT and depressed about to boot. Repeated quick-fixes ended up making for a long-term problem because the REAL issues are never addressed. Eventually, you have to stop taking that stuff. What then?

    I am a former marine too, and I was a 0331 machine gunner. Im now law enforcement. I know what you mean. I dont use them crazy testasterone pills and trust me i knew plenty on steroids. But This is a thermogenic and nothing more. It really is a good thing. I am very skeptical about things like this, i gave it a try and bam it did wonders. But them emotional guys were probably on something like testasterone or trenadone which is a steriod or antiarometest which is a estrogen blocker.
  • derrickmcgill90
    as long as you keep up with your exersice and diet you will keep it off. I have finished the bottle and I feel fine, its just a thermogenic to give you the boost. Its a quick fix, but doesnt mean to stop your lifestyle afterwards. the bottle is the begining your lifestyle determins if you keep it off or gain it back. thats the same with anything, even diets.