having trouble with snacking...please help!

I eat just fine at meals, but when I'm bored at work, I find something to snack on all the time! I try to keep busy by cleaning and stuff, but I'm having trouble resisting the ice cream and candy that is available to me. Do you guys have any tips to help me out? Thanks :)


  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    Friend me and view my diary. You can go back a month and get some ideas.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Look for low cal snacks...baby carrots are nice & crunchy. If there is something you really want look for a low calories version of it. If I really want candy I have a skinny cow candy, or ice cream. Kelloggs has a yummy chip/cracker.

    Good luck
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    I will snack on a piece of string cheese --> will curb cravings
    I also snack on honey nut cherrios --> helps with a sweet tooth. Can eat them one by one and make them last a long time and has low calories

    I usually munch because I just want to much not cause I am hungry
  • smashleymcgee
    smashleymcgee Posts: 135 Member
    Drinking water and chewing gum helps me. You might also pick healthier snacks- carrots, celery sticks, peaches, grapes, yogurt, almonds, etc. My diary is open if you want to look- I eat 2 to 3 "snacks" per day and keep within my calorie range. Also, low cal alternatives work- skinny cow ice cream bars.and candy is surprisingly delicious, also weight watchers candy ice cream
  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    Drinking water and chewing gum also helps me or scope up some peanut butter out of the jar
  • eviltwinkie
    eviltwinkie Posts: 153
    Haven't had them in awhile, but I use to keep the kashi warm cinnamon cereal (looks like cheerios) in a locktight on the desk. A little sweet, has a nice bite and crunch, and one serving is about right of cinnamon stuff. other than that, all the above mentioned healthy stuff.

    I quit buying 'healthy chips' for work, because I'd plow through them and still want to snack afterwards.

    But - if this is truly bored munching - water/gum the best route. Bored munching sets a pattern for more bored munching... 'mindless munching while at the computer' has been something I've had to learn to avoid myself.