Cheat Days?



  • thin4life67
    thin4life67 Posts: 51 Member
    I do allow myself a cheat day...usually Saturday after I weigh in. Now I should say that my cheat days aren't total pig out days. I continue to be mindful of what I eat. For me a cheat is having a slice or 2 of pizza or a bowl of regular ice cream. I have found that my body is so use to the same foods that giving it something different kick starts my metabolism to work alittle harder.
  • smedlund
    smedlund Posts: 117 Member
    Once you've gone several weeks without the junk food, you won't miss it or crave it. The hard part is the beginning.

    That being said, I do allow myself to eat whatever I want in moderation. If I know that I'm going to overdo it, I make sure that I burn the calories. Take yesterday, I was at an amusement park and there really isn't anything of the healthy variety there. I burned over 2000 calories so when I ate about 200 calories over, I wasn't too bummed. I also have a huge addiction to peanut butter. I have switched to the Jif Natural. I also don't eat much meat so peanut butter is a big source of protein for me.

    Also, the lighter versions of stuff are really good these days. I love the baked lay's southwest ranch chips. Potato chips are a bit of my weakness but I don't feel guilty eating the baked lays.
  • wjewell
    wjewell Posts: 282 Member
    what really helped me was going to Great great great recipes for our favorite foods, only a much healthier version : )
  • I want that bag of chips? 300+ calories? I burn it first. Run, walk, bike, whatever it takes to earn it and then enjoy.

    My other solution is that I'll have a lighter lunch and dinner if a few chips are in my future. Keep it inside the calories and ensure I get my proper balance of nutrients first.

    This is what I do as well. Just plan and it will all work out.
    Make sure you EARN it and then you can enjoy it.
    I have found though that I don't have the cravings anymore....

    Keep on...keepin' on....
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I want that bag of chips? 300+ calories? I burn it first. Run, walk, bike, whatever it takes to earn it and then enjoy.

    My other solution is that I'll have a lighter lunch and dinner if a few chips are in my future. Keep it inside the calories and ensure I get my proper balance of nutrients first.

    I don't have cheat days either, i do this. i make sure i stay under my calories, they aren't healthy calories but its better than going over and you have to give in to cravings every once in a while otherwise you'll end up doing it all at once and have a break down
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