RPNKA Posts: 28
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I have been on MFP for about 4 almost 5 months now, I feel like I have hit a snag. I exercise 4 to 5 times a week 25 to 45 minutes a day burning 400 to 550 calories and I havent beens seeing the results I did when I first started. On top of that I seem to be hungry all the time, Im losing the self control to not eat. I have at least another 15-20 lbs to lose and 30lbs id i want to hit my ultimate goal. I dont know what to do to get back on track!!! I dont feel like dieting anymore. I dont feel like counting calories and watching everything that goes in my mouth!!! I still want to exercise, but I feel like Im losing all hope. HELP!!!


  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    Try changing up your exercise routine a bit. Your body gets used to the workouts you do, so you have to change things up if you want your body to start changing again. I know its frustrating, but just experiment a little. You'll start losing again :)
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Try a different exercise....and make sure your calorie intake is correct. It's easy to eat to many calories ,and not even realize it : )
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Listen to your body and up your calories for a few days and see if that helps. Sometimes you get run down by life and your body holds onto fat (energy storage) but by feeding it more (healthy) food you jump start your fat loss again.
  • Sounds like you've hit the dreaded plateau! There is loads of info out there about how to break a plateau, but basically your body has gotten used to your routine & ya need to confuse it to get the weight loss rolling again. I broke my plateau by upping my calories by 200/day, doing all out sprints w/ complete rest in between sprints, cutting back on cardio, and taking random rest days. Circut training, yoga, zumba, or just a different weights routine works well too. So, it's a good thing you're tired of your "diet" it's time to change things up!
    Hope this helps.
    SW 160 3/11
    CW 142
    GW 135
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