need to lose 35 pounds by Aug 1...any tips?



  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Just exercise 5-6 days a week at moderate to high intensity for 30 mins or more, eat a net of 1200 calories being careful about your macros and nutrients and see where you are on Aug 1. Because you say you want to lose a good chunk of weight still you might well lose more than 2lb per week. So long as you are keeping to MFP guidelines your loss will probably be safe and healthy. You will also, more importantly, look better and be healthier regardless of the number on the scale.
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    That is a lot of weight to lose! But all you can do is give your best shot. I am not sure what your diet is like, but foods with lots of fiber would be good for you. Fiber is not digested into the body. So you are consuming calories and feel full but doesn't get stored as fat. Your body uses up the vitamins and minerals in fiber but doesn't store the fat. So whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Baked fish and baked chicken are very good sources of protein for you. When you eat protein it makes you feel fuller for longer just like Fiber. Protein automatically burns 27% of those calories just digesting the food where as carbs burn 7% for digestion and fat 3%. The Omega 3's in tuna fish and fish help speed up your metabolism. The calcium and vitamin D in lowfat milk helps speed up your matabolism too. I don't know if you know but people who eat breakfast lose more weight than others. So for breakfast you could eat oatmeal one day, eggs with wheat toast another day, or a bowl of high fiber whole grain cereal. These foods I just listed make you feel fuller longer than other breakfast foods and are very healthy. Eat 5 small meals and not 3 larger meals. The small meals keeps your metabolism ribbed up. If you eat at night eat protein and not carbs or fat. Drink 8 glasses of water a day, this helps boost your metabolism. You can't drink soda's, eat sweets, red meat, greasy foods. For exercise you should do cardio at least 4 to 7 days out of the week and when you do cardio do it for 60 minutes at a time. The first 30 minutes of cardio you are only burning carbs, after 30 minutes your body starts using fat as an energy source, so that is when you are burning fat. Make sure you do weight training at least 3 days a week and hit up every body part. 67% of the calories burned in a day is when you are sitting there and those calories are burned faster if you do weight training. It increases your resting metabolic rate. So you need a good diet, longer bouts of cardio and weight trianing!! If you take vitamins, go to GNC or Vitamin world and get the mega men sport in the botttle, not the vitapack. These vitamins speed up your metabolism, don't get the one a day or centrium, you are thowing your money away... not enough vitamins in there. If you have any more questions just ask!!