What's happening to my dad because he isn't healthy...

Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
First of all, my mom died at the age of 47 of a massive heart attack. She weighed somewhere around 300 pounds and smoked 3 packs/day. That's what kick started my weight loss motivation.

Here's what makes me continue (at least partially)...my dad.

My dad has had a quadruple bipass, high just about everything, and Type II Diabetes. Because of the first thing, he has been on disability and not working since 2007ish. Because of the latter, he has had numerous laser eye surgeries and many foot/leg problems. The most recent downfall of his health was a sore on his foot that moved into an infection up his leg. He had surgery this week to get the "poison" out. Now, he will be losing a few toes on that foot. He is not taking care of himself, and his health is really failing him at the age of 54.

Because of my parents, I will NEVER stop being active, and I will always think of my family and how I want to be healthy for them. I want to live a very long life, and I don't ever want to make myself start dying as my parents did.

Just part of my motivation I wanted to share...


  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    It's so painful to watch loved ones who refuse to help themselves but I'm happy you found your motivation to take care of yourself.
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    sadly i can write this same post... except its my 36yr old husband that keeps me going strong to show by example how you can make small changes and reap incredible benefits.

    i've been thru the massive heart attack, diabetes related issues ( type 1), laser eye surgeries ( still going on), numberous bone infections, loss of a toe due to foot wounds.... if you even need to vent or chat pm me.
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Yes, my mother is also what keeps me motivated to stay healthy. She is obese and can barely walk with her bad knees. I don't want to end up like that! It's also very sad, because she doesn't want to change, or feels she's too old to change.

    I wish you luck in your journey, and I hope your dad is okay!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Wow, that is a painful realization.
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    Wow I am so sorry for your loss/troubles, It's so great that you found something positive out of it though!
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    Sometimes our parents teach us the most valuable lessons in the most unexpected ways. I'm happy you learned from their misfortunes; but I'm so sorry they were not able to make the changes you have.
  • bparsont
    bparsont Posts: 50
    Your dad is a mirror image of mine except my dad never lost any digits. He was on 15 meds some of them 2x a day. He had stopped smoking but when he had and stroke a couple of years ago he decided he wanted to smoke again...UGH. He finally passed last year at 73 and 120#, but the last 5 years of his life were miserable. He was very active meaning he loved to shop(grocery), go to disney world and ride the rollcoasters and go to 2 NASCAR races a year in Daytona Beach, which he and i did frequently, that's what kept him going. He also proof read transcriptions that his wife would type(that was her job) for the court. But finally the ministrokes(Transient Ischemic Attacks) caught up with him and he lost all interest in living and passed August 2010. I miss my dad because we had so much in common and did alot of things together. But he was a lesson for me not to become like him. I am watching my weight and exercising as much as i can, because I could easily become the mirror image of him.
    Keep up your good work and you will not end up like your dad... :flowerforyou:
  • I have a bad family history as well. My father passed away from colon cancer. He loved to eat country fat food better than anything. He always had high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides (sp?). Then there was my mom, she also liked to eat and she was diagnosed with colitis that never got better with medication. After having the illeostomy she passed away due to blood clots and pneumonia. Both of them were young (59 and 61). They died one year and 8 months apart. So here I am 34 years old with no parents and a fat family history. I should have been on this a long time ago but when you're young you're invincible.

    Sometimes things like this are good motivators. I'm sorry you've experienced any of this but maybe you are just a little bit stronger. (and probably much wiser). Good luck!
  • grlaurie
    grlaurie Posts: 77 Member
    Addiction is addiction whether it is drugs, alchol, or food it is so hard to overcome and devestating to the people that love us. I pray your Dad finds the inner strength to get healthy
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I lost m dad to lung cancer 30 years ago buti didn't quit until 5 years ago. My mom died of lung cancer 4 years ago. I know I have an uphill battle in avoiding it, especially with how I abused my body for so long. Its one reason I exercise so hard and try to eat healthier, not just "diet".
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Thank you for all sharing your stories as well. It's sad that we have so many loved ones (some of us included) that have gone through so much. I am sure you all will accomplish your goals and live long lives! :smile:
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