Just started..and am hopeful this will work

Hi! I started a few days ago. I'm getting the hang on it. The only problem I see myself having is finding meal to fix being on a budget. I need to loose at least 100 lbs. I think tracking my intake it going to help. Anyone have any suggestions or advice for a newbie i'd love to hear them. I'm so ready for this.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome!! Logging food and exercise will really help you!!
  • weallhaveastory2tell
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Hi & welcome! Make sure you eat foods high in fiber. They will keep you full longer. It's a great time to start eating right on a budget..... all the fruits & veggies are lower in price! You can make turkey chili. it goes a long way and is pretty cheap. There are lots of great idea's on this site also.

    Logging you food in everyday...and being honest will really help you! Try and stay moving all day...sitting is better then laying, standing is better then sitting and walking better then standing.....just keep moving! I have the same goal as you I have my last 14 pounds to go. You can do this if you really want it. You will have hard days....we all do, but people here will be here for you! That is the great thing about this site ; )

    Good luck : )
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    Maybe you could look at some of the food diary's on your friends pages, and get ideas for good meals for you. It will become easier as you move along. Good luck. You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Eating healthy on a budget is easier than you think - but it does take a wee bit of work sometimes.

    Frozen veggies are your friend. They are just as healthy as fresh. If you watch coupons and sales, you can easily get the family sized bags under $1 each. Stock your freezer when they are on sale.

    Same with lean proteins - chicken breast, plain fish, etc. Watch for sales and stock the freezer.

    EGGS!!!! Cheap and a complete protein. Eat lots of eggs.

    Brown rice. Simple, filling, cheap whole grain

    Potatoes - they get a bad rap - but they are good for you -in moderation!! 1/2 a potato is a fantastic accompaniment to a meal.

    Soups - especially veggie chili is a favorite of mine. CHEAP!!! Crushed tomatoes (canned), beans (canned, rinsed to get rid of sodium), corn (canned), an onion and some seasoning and you are done.

    Oatmeal - fantastic and incredibly cheap breakfast. Stir in 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and 1/2 a banana.

    Morale of the story is watch sales - stock up when it's a good deal. Stay at the edges of the grocery store. The only thing I wonder into the center aisles for is coffee, tea, and whole grain, high fiber cereal (my favorite is Quaker Oat Squares) when on sale.
  • dixxieheart

    I just joined...I have 100lbs to go..I was wondering if you would be my buddy....cheers
  • donmikulecky
    donmikulecky Posts: 15 Member
    It WILL work if you want it to. We are with you.