Binge eating... SOOO P*ssed Off!



  • mattbryan
    mattbryan Posts: 147
    I don't quite go so overboard as some of the other posters on this thread, but I do really struggle with self control towards the evening (and the have the diabolical guilt that immediately follows)! My struggle is typically with dinner....I just can't seem to consistently eat a good dinner and watch my portions. When I'm off, I am a very emotional eater.

    I'd love to help support anyone fighting the same issues....feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member

    it is what it is attitude. log everything. sure, it sais 4,500 calories for a day. Yup. because hiding or pretending it didnt happen only seems to help justify it or allow me to cheat. being honest and acknowledging. "sure, i had a bad day" but logging it to see it I find is helpful. No shame, no feeling bad, just record it. eventually I got tired of seeing all the stuff i was eating and worked to remove some of the things from my routine. which leads to suggestion two:

    As someone who really, really struggled with this, what I had to do was just learn to accept my binges. I had to accept that I ate like that, and it did not make me disgusting, a failure, or incapable of any control in may life. Once I stopped hating myself and getting mad at my binging (and that meant I had to log it and not be ashamed, like the poster above that I quoted), then I didn't feel so out of control. And then I found I didn't need to binge.

    Forgive yourself and don't be ashamed first...then, later, you can change how you eat.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    STOP weighing yourself!! Use a measuring tape and not a scale. People weight can fluctuate for no reason!!

    Hahahaha that's ironic given your profile picture.

    (i completely agree with you, it just made me laugh.)
  • busygirl1
    busygirl1 Posts: 217
    I don't know if this will help or not but I am also a bit of a binger. My weight loss cals are around 1400/ day. I have actually upped these to maint and allow myself 1 chocolate thing a day. What I used to find was that I was so fixated on not eating cheat foods that i would eat everything else instead! I was craving a dairy milk but refused to have choc in the house so would eat 5 yoghurt's, 2 bags of crisps and basically anything else instead! I would consume less eating the dairy milk. Also logging helps, sometimes I feel like 'urgh what a binge' but when I log it its actually not that bad, maybe just a few hundred over maintaine cals. I am currently trying to level out my eating before trying to lose the last ten pounds, I want this to work so it might take more time but if I make peace with food in the interim then that will hopefully last forever. Good luck and feel free to add me if you need to vent anytime!
  • techteachergirl
    techteachergirl Posts: 161 Member
    Just like so many others have posted I could have written this myself! I am not excited about weighing in the morning! I have been stressed out this weekend over a few different issues and I think I have shoved everything in my mouth that I could this weekend! Yikes!
  • abdehor
    abdehor Posts: 16
    I am with you all the way here and totally understand where you are coming from. I am over 50 now and have been binge eating since I was a small child.
    I know my is linked to depression but I seem to cope with most things now except FOOD. My weight flutuates by 5 stone !! I have lost this 5 blinking stone so many times. Always put it back on.
    I dont know what to suggest as I am still struggling with it. Maybe I am just greedy. I can not cheat once when dieting because it sets me straight away on a binge.
    I eat things I dont even like. I go out and buy my binge food, sit in the chair with a book and eat the lot till I feel sick. I am never sick though. I have a flu like feeling the next day and take to my bed. It is like a form of self-harm.
    I am trying to accept it and not beat myself up over it. Easier said than done but if you need to off load please just email me.