Overweight Children



  • grimnir
    grimnir Posts: 61 Member
    I'd like to reiterate how important it is to help her get this under control now. If I could change anything about how my parents raised me, it would be not letting me self-comfort with food as a kid when I got depressed after entering middle school. Being fat from fifth grade on ****ed up my life in many, many ways, from how I view myself to my relationships to my ongoing struggles with food, struggles that left me well over 200lbs overweight and suicidally depressed at my peak. If it's the drugs, get her on something else. And from the sound of it, it's probably the drugs. But if you're sure it's not, get her in therapy asap. I have no doubt that it would have helped me enormously. But do not let this trend continue, not for a minute, whether she's sedentary or not. Because it's not just her health, it's her emotional well-being that will be severely compromised if she's fat during her formative years. Kids are ****ing monsters to each other when the adults aren't looking, don't forget that for a second, and it WILL mess her up going through middle school overweight. Feeling like an epileptic weirdo is bad enough (as I said, kids are cruel), but being fat on top of that is just too much to deal with. Get her to make good choices on her own if at all possible, put your foot down if you have to, but do not let this trend continue.

    And if she has epilepsy, you should probably get her off simple starches, processed foods and sugars entirely, even if it means nobody else in the family gets to have them either. That's what my fairly severely epileptic lady friend says, anyway.