Stupid cheat meal...grrrrrrr

NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Not sure how ya'll feel about cheat meals but I figured after 2 weeks of eating really good and exercising and losing 11 that I would eat some pizza and just not worry about it. So I ate really well all day and hubby went to buy some pizza. I got what we refer to around here as "bar room pizza" Some of you may know what that is. Anyway..instead of being reasonable I decided why not go all the way and get bacon and pineapple. Needless to say it didnt go well. First off I couldn't eat much..thats not a bad thing. But what was is that all I could think the whole time I ate it was.. OMG..this is so doesnt even taste that good..why am I not enjoying this. Sooooo I wasted a cheat meal, didnt love it, will probably retain fluid now because of the salt, and therefore gain weight. All in all an awful experience. Aren't cheat meals supposed to be fun and yummy???? Do you all eat cheat meals and what do you usually pick? Do you count it or not? UGHHHH. Now it'll be a while before I dare have another one and this one wasn't even stupid....


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i have a meal once a month and i log it ........... as of late im not going over my cals even on they day of the "cheat" meal so i dunno if its really cheating or not lol
  • Don't be upset! You didn't ruin your diet and now you don't like that unhealthy food. Personally, I would celebrate that! One less temptation=]
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    i don't do cheat meals. Drink more water to flush out that extra sodium!!
  • lijparsons
    lijparsons Posts: 258
    Oh man, that sucks. I don't go for "cheat meals" per se, but I do indulge in the odd hot dog or pizza or wine, but just make sure I still stay within my calorie allowance. Sorry you didn't enjoy your pizza. Sounds like a case of guilt, and your brain was working overtime to convince you you shouldn't be eating that. :noway:
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    I always try to cheat once in awhile ,sometimes I felt like tahst too ,your body is just used to good food.I usually cheat when i go to movies and i eat popcorn and I dont worry how much lol-You have to do it if not at some point you will want it and eat evrything in site.That is my opinion anyways.
  • Liz915
    Liz915 Posts: 123
    If I have a "cheat" meal, I definitely log it so that if I gain the week after I can look back and see that it was my cheat meal's fault. I don't have them often though... maybe every few weeks I'll eat something that is totally not part of my normal diet. Sometimes, my 'cheat meal' is just a big margarita! haha My last cheat was Lasagna from an Italian restaurant in town... worth every calorie.
  • rundgrenfan
    rundgrenfan Posts: 211
    Think how much you learned tonight! I would call that success because it will be one less temptation in this world for you!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I cant stand the term "cheat meal" because the only person who are cheating is yourself. I am happy that you found it wasnt that good... so try to remember that for next time. I have plenty of meals that are less than nutritionous and I have days when I am over but the concept of a cheat meal just doesnt work for me! :)
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    I look at this journey as a lifestyle. I eat what I want, when I want, and enjoy every bite (this week I went to my favorite fast food place - twice). I strive to stay at my MFP calorie goal +/- 100 cals a day.

    To me "cheat" meals give me the sense that I'm depriving myself...that leads to failure.
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    Just tonight I had a cheat meal. Rib tips at Famous Dave's. I ate half of my tips, peeled off what fat I could . Ate all of the broccoli and most of my potato salad. And then of course the AWESOME corn bread muffin. I had THE WORST stomach ache afterward. I couldn't even sit down without pain. I had to lay down for a half hour just to be able to function (now an hour later and I don't feel full, I think something else was going on). I did count this cheat meal and with it, i was still just 20 over what my goal for the day was (thank goodness I worked out and added 400 calories!). Sometimes I don't count my cheat days because i know i've probably doubled what i should have eaten for the day and also because it's hart to count when you're eating out and sometimes don't even know the name of what you ate.

    Maybe think of something that you enjoy that is more healthy. And think of it this way, our journeys are not just a temporary thing that we're doing. it is a permanent lifestyle change. If it weren't we'd just gain the weight back. We can't eat like we're 20 anymore! So what you LOVED before, is probably not something that you should eat and potentially not enjoy anymore.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Why not count it as a NSV? You've successfully weaned yourself from a junk food! It's an accomplishment :smile:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Cheat anything is NEVER a good idea!
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I have cheat days but generally get to enjoy what I have. What a drag for you that the pizza wasn't what you expected!!

    I haven't been eating pasta because I think it's way too high in calories but the other day, I decided I wanted some good old Kraft Dinner so I modified what I was having for the rest of the day. I had bought the whole wheat type and did NOT like it. I ended up not bothering because I didn't want to waste the calories on something I wasn't enjoying. I ended up just having a salad, but had a slice of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and enjoyed that much more! :)

    Also, I don't consider it cheating if you are staying within your calories for the day. You can have pizza at any time, but I generally will have a salad first so that I don't eat as much of the high calorie stuff. :)
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I look at this journey as a lifestyle. I eat what I want, when I want, and enjoy every bite (this week I went to my favorite fast food place - twice). I strive to stay at my MFP calorie goal +/- 100 cals a day.

    To me "cheat" meals give me the sense that I'm depriving myself...that leads to failure.

    Exactly what she said! There's really no reason to every tell yourself "I really love this food, but I'm never ever going to eat it again" I have removed nothing from what I eat or drink and I won't. I pay more attention to how much, I sometimes make adjustments to make it a little healthier. But I will not deprive myself or punish myself. I did notice the last time I had pizza how greasy it was! It wasn't really that greasy all this time was it? Was it???
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I look at this journey as a lifestyle. I eat what I want, when I want, and enjoy every bite (this week I went to my favorite fast food place - twice). I strive to stay at my MFP calorie goal +/- 100 cals a day.

    To me "cheat" meals give me the sense that I'm depriving myself...that leads to failure.

    I agree exactly!
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    It's a bitter sweet thing to go through. Chinese food isn't as divine to me as it once was, and the most amazing thing is that CHIPS aren't as magnetizing to me anymore either! Embrace it :)
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    To me "cheat" meals give me the sense that I'm depriving myself...that leads to failure.
    Well said! I'm enjoying my new life style. I've been wanting cheesecake, but I'll simply figure out a way to work it into my calorie budget. (Been saying that for the past two weeks, haha!)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I understand the concept behind cheat meals, however, I just can't let myself function that way. For me everything is acceptable, so long as it's within my values. That said, I understand having something and not enjoying it. I used to have a real thing for Hershey's Kisses, I had one a week or so ago and was seriously surprised to find that I just didn't enjoy it. It really is funny how quickly your tastes change.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Also, I don't consider it cheating if you are staying within your calories for the day. You can have pizza at any time, but I generally will have a salad first so that I don't eat as much of the high calorie stuff. :)
    I understand the concept behind cheat meals, however, I just can't let myself function that way. For me everything is acceptable, so long as it's within my values.

    So true.

    If you didn't enjoy it, then you won't go for it next time! I did this the other day- had enough cals/fat left, so I had a small bag of Doritos. And they were NOT that good. Isn't worth it for me to do it again, and now I know that, and I'm glad! :happy:

    You don't need to deprive yourself. As long as you eat things in moderation, you'll be fine... make them TREATS not CHEATS!

    For me, this is a lifestyle change. If I'm not going to cut something out for the rest of my life, I'm not going to cut it now.
  • We were always a big pizza family. Now when I get pizza I get a hand tossed chicken supreme from Pizza Hut. No more deep dish in this house! It allows us all to have the pizza but with less calories and less fat too.
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