
A co-worker of mine recommended this site to me just the other day. She sat down at her computer and gave me a quick walk-thru and I was instantly hooked on the concept. After work that day, I came home and got started. I made the decision to change my way of life on June 3rd. There was nothing spectacular that day, no brush with death...I simply had a moment of clarity and peace within myself. I have tried numerous times to lose weight, just as many others have. For some reason, whatever it may be, I felt it was time to believe that I could believe in myself and do this. I've started this journey at 267 pounds. On June 17th, when I joined MFP, I was already down 17 pounds. I've completed my measurements now and I've decided not to weigh in for 7 days and I will measure again July 18th. I am 36 years old. I have a 19yr old step-son, a 17yr old step-daughter, a 17yr old son, and a beautiful 5yr old daughter. (Note the teens aren't so beautiful anymore haha) I have been married for 11 and a half years. My downward spiral with my weight began approximately 4 years ago when after experiencing months of back pain, I visited my doctor who discovered that my L4, L5, and S1 were bulging. Upon further testing I learned that I had permanently damaged my sciatic nerve. I got lazy. I quit socializing. I ate. I got angry. I ate more. I have been going to pain management for years, been poked and prodded with needles, to no avail. The damage is done, there is only one option to "fix" me, (surgery) which I have refused. In the past few months, the pain has reached points so excruciating that I have vomitted. My last visit, (June 10) although depressing, was invigorating in a sense. Another test concluded that I have developed fibromyalgia. To that date, I had heard about it only by overhearing the word used in those pharmacutical commercials. Upon further investigation, I am relieved to learn about it. Everything that has been going on inside my body is now making sense. Rather than sulking like I usually would, I've chosen to learn about it and treat it. I will not let anything deture me. I have a sunshine in my life that needs me as she grows older. I put her in this world. She deserves the best mother that I can be. I can't be that person she needs if i am carrying more than 100 pounds around everyday like a dark cloud, always miserable and tired. I am more than that and she needs to know that. So, this is my goal. This is my journey. This is my promise to myself, my husband, my parents, and especially my children; I will always unconditionally love all of you and I thank you for your unconditional love as well. I will get healthier every day, I will get stronger every day, and I will fight this disease each day that I wake. I ask from you fellow MFP's to share your stories with me and I will try to help you as you help me along the way. No matter our circumstances, we can all simply feel better.

(Dawn) Thank you for showing this site to me. It is a huge help to see each day what I am putting in my body. It is because of people like you, that take time to listen, that enable others to keep pushing forward. You may never know just how important those few minutes that you shared with me are. Thank you.

Thanks for reading my intro. I realize that it's pretty long and personal but I want feedback. I want to meet others that have beaten the odds. I want to know that I am not alone.


  • Fancy17
    Fancy17 Posts: 15
    I am new to this too! You will do this--- it's all a mindset. Here's to a happy, healthy, and awesome new you! :) Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  • megrrt
    megrrt Posts: 115 Member
    Hello and welcome!
    This website is full of support and info that you can use along your way.
    Feel free to ad me as a friend if you wish...I will try to help you along this journey.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    This site is awesome. You can add me. I know when I joined I too felt like. Today is the day, for whatever reason. I had tried and tried over the last couple years. I had joined another weight loss site. This one is different. Everyone on here is awesome. I am glad you found it. The advice I would give is even if you have a bad day. Connect with the people on here read the posts and comment when you feel the need. You will build a support system that will help you stay the course. I know when I am having a hard time I try to encourage my mfp friends and that helps me too.

    You can add me if you would like.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome. This is a great site. I wish great success on your weight loss journey.
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome! This site is great! Keep us up to date on how you're doing. I wish you much success on your new journey. It may not always be easy, but it will be worth it all in the end. xx