Just think....

woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Ok, so I know people say that muscle and fat weight different. Truth is they don't. Muscle is just leaner and cleaner than fat.....

First bit of evidence.....


No think bout this... a bodybuilder who is 5'11" and weighs 210 versus someone who is non-athletic but is the same weight and height. They will look different. The non-athlete will look bigger and lumpier than the bodybuilder. All because of the fact that they have no lean muscle mass.

If this isn't motivation into getting into a healthier place than I don't know what is.

Also, it doesn't hurt to get your family involved either. Since I do most of the cooking for me and my parents I have been making sure that everyone is eating healthier and better portion sizes, at least on carbs for them. Since I have been doing this and upping our protein in take I know my dad has lost 10 lbs between better nutrition and exercise.

I am getting great support from my family about my losing weight and am glad for it.
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