Hotel Food...

Morgeous Posts: 4
edited 6:05PM in Introduce Yourself
Off travelling with work for a couple of days and will get lured in by the food in the hotel? There is a gym there so will take my gear but might struggle to pick healthy food - esp when the company are paying....!! Any tips?


  • catlady100
    catlady100 Posts: 154
    egg white omlettes with veggies side of wheat toast
    salads with grilled chicken for lunch
    if you go off-site to a chain restaurant for lunch you can usually research the best meal to have before you go. A lot of restaurants have "lower calorie" or Weight watcher options for dinner.

    Just do the best you can given the circumstances.
  • I just had to spend a week away for work and was in the same situation.......I gained 6lbs. They had an awesome fitness center but when I opened my suitcase I realized that I had forgotten to pack my workout clothes....found them on my bed when I got home :ohwell: .....not much I could do about it. I did remember to pack my swinsuit so I did hit the pool about 4 times while I was there.

    I have to travel again next month and hotel it for a week again so hopefully I will learn from this time and make better choices and my workout clothes are getting packed first this time! :happy:
  • Postlethwaite
    Postlethwaite Posts: 90 Member
    You can bring some healthy munchies with you.. some fruit for example. There are lot's of things you can keep handy so that when you need a quick bite or when you are resisting vending machines or other temptations, there is a better choice at your finger tips.
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