A memory about your father



  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I remember my dad taking me on my first rollarcoaster at the age of 4. The Screaming Eagle at Six Flags. When the ride started we quickly realized that I was too small, and too light for this big ride. I was coming up out of the seat during the downhill runs, feet completely off the floor. Dad held me down the entire time and made sure I still enjoyed the ride. When we got off I was shaking from head to toe, pale, and bug-eyed. Dad said, "well, what did you think?" and I said, "c-c-can we do it again?" He and I have always had a great time riding rollarcoasters together. We are thrill seekers.

    I also remember our weekly camping trips during the summer. One year when I was 13 a cute boy came up during a dance/gathering at the local beach and was about to ask me to dance. My dad jumped up, grabbed my hand and said, "come on, let me show you how to do the funky chicken!". I had so much fun acting like a dork with him that I completely forgot about the boy--who also was no longer interested in dancing with me after watching the funky chicken. LOL!
  • Smittyinthesun2
    Dad didn't go crazy when I borrowed my Neighbors Camero when I was 16, to drive to the mall to see some girl. Oh yeah I didnt have a License!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I remember all those nights that even after working 11 hours, and wanting to just rest and relax after work....dad would either play games, go outside and play vollyball, or read to me.

    My dad is an amazing hard working man.