Allergies and Exercise Help

My allergies have kicked in with vengence this last month. My throat is so itchy and I want to impale my tear ducts with sharp objects b/c those are so itchy as well! I have tried Zyrtek, and took Claritin once. For my eyes, I used Allegra Allergy and a few others. This makes exercising miserable. I would like to take a vote on what helps the best for YOUR allergies.
Man o Man....all I want to do it be able to exercise without itchy watery eyes, and sneezing until I pee!
Thanks for you suggestions in advance!


  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Neti Pot ...super gross and kinda weird but has helped me tremendously!! I hardly ever have to take medicines now.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I take Claritin but my doctor also gave my the allergy "cocktail" shot which really helped. Allergies this year are really bad so the Claritin alone was not enough.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Sounds like you need to see an allergist!! I tried everything, too, was totally miserable! I tried everything I could over the counter, including a neti pot (didn't help for more than short term for me). Dr. prescribed me stuff EVER (for me)
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Itchy eyes I use Similasan Allergy Eye Relief it can be purchased over the counter. My eye doctor suggested it. You can use it as much as you need to.

    I also take Claritin I get some relief from that. More than with Zyrtec.

    I use a netti pot, it takes a few times to get the trick of it down.

    I also use Sudafed, the stuff you have to sign for at the pharmacy, I usually purchase the generic.

    I take tissues with me on my morning rides, because my nose just goes bonkers!

    Even walking I get that post nasal drip!

    Just stay strong and motivated!
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    Neti Pot ...super gross and kinda weird but has helped me tremendously!! I hardly ever have to take medicines now.

    I have an extreme love/hate relationship with my neti pot but it has made a huge difference.

    When we moved back to Ohio (from Los Angeles) my allergies to trees and grass were so out of control that I finally started weekly allergy shots last year and while they do help a tremendous amount they don't knock things out completely. The Neti Pot really helps to keep things in check; in addition I take a Zyrtec and a Tagament (I don't have heartburn issues but I stumbled on this combination to help with a sun allergy and it seems to help boost the Zyrtec all year round so I'm not messing with it!) daily, when things get really bad I add a second Zyrtec to my day and Nasonex.

    When things are really, really bad I've found that a single Children's Benadryl does just enough to keep me from clawing at my throat, eyes and ears (I hate when they itch!) but doesn't completely knock me on my butt like the "grown up" dose which means I can take one every six or eight hours during the day.

    Allergies suck. I've heard that this year is a record worst for pollen must be bad because my husband even asked for some Zyrtec a few times and I'm pretty sure he would rather cut off his own limbs with a plastic knife than take any kind of medication.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I've found that I have to alternate between Claritin and Zyrtec every three months or so or they quit working for me. Allegra didn't do a thing! I also use the D version of either Claritin or Zyrtec which means it has the Sudafed in it. DH just started getting my meds at the hospital where he works though, so now I get the Zyrtec and Sudafed separately, but they still work just as well.

    ETA: I also take my meds about an hour and a half before I try to do anything exercise wise so that I don't have problems with my allergies during my activity.
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    I use Allegra and Flonase and something similar to the Netipot, however I also heard that eating local honey helps prevent allergies. I am not a huge honey eater, so I haven't tried this approach, but it's something to consider... Just be sure you start in little doses since the honey itself could cause allergic reactions.