water retention


I am having trouble with bloating, does anyone know of all natural ways to get rid of excess water? I drink more than 8 glasses of water a day.


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Wine :)
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    u may need to see ur doctor about that.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    I have been told and heard that the amount you should drink is take your weight divide in half and that is how many ounces you should drink. Maybe a little less. Also watch your salt intake. There is alot of hidden salt in processed food.

    Also gulpping water to get in (a lot at one time) can actually contribute to bloating. Slipping through out the day can help with that.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Cut back on your sodium and watch your carbs... it can be a number of things really so you need to keep an eye out for when you notice it happening more and try to think what might of caused it. Like if I eat fast food, I bloat like a water balloon!

    Look out for your own triggers and then try cutting back on them!
  • ornumc
    ornumc Posts: 23
    I suffer from this as well especially before TOM. It can get pretty bad and very uncomfortable. I have noticed that a dry sauna helps, you sweat a lot out!

    Also VERY important, reduce your salt intake. Perversely, in the week before my TOM I crave salt, and if I give in, I retain even more. If I have a take-out meal (generally will be much saltier than home-made) the next day I look like a chipmunk.

    I'm interested to hear other ideas as it's been a battle for me too.
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Thanks!! This does help, i did see my doctor and she was like oh, you are puffy, and had no suggestions. Time to get a new Doctor. I did have some very salty meals this week (downfall of eating out). I also did some research since my post and saw some foods that help reduce water. Celery, Cranberry, Eggplant, citrus fruits, melons. green leafy greens, unsalted nuts, bananas and yogurt to name some.
  • AmyPfl
    AmyPfl Posts: 9
    I was having the same problem and stopped putting extra salt where I would usually pile it on. Not to mention, I tried the Triple Leaf Tea Super Slimming Herbal Tea and let me tell you, if used properly is awesome for its natural cleansing effect. I feel so much lighter the next day and not in an unhealthy way.

    The way I use it is, after dinner I will let 1 tea bag brew in hot water for about 5 minutes. Then drink it and have absolutely NOTHING to eat after I drink it. If you eat, it WILL cause cramping. Make sure to drink the tea at night when you know you will have nothing else to eat.

    It can take up to 12 hours to get results, but I have had absolutely NO cramping and no diarrhea. Obviously everybody is different and will have different results, but if used properly I feel this is great stuff. It is also important to mention that you should NEVER use it more than 7 days consecutively and for me one cup after dinner is enough.

    Another thing I do which gives me TONS of energy and helps with bloating is drink fresh squeezed lemon water everyday. Fresh lemons that have not been refrigerated if possible (they have healthy live enzymes) sqeezed in 8 oz of water. My family and friends are hooked because of the energy they are getting and it is great for your skin.

    Anyway, I was really having this bloating issue and it was discouraging and really kinda making me feel worse about my weight. I feel better now and am finally starting to lose weight slowly but surely. Let me know if you have any questions.