Share your latest NSV!!

My most recent one was yesterday at work. A coworker and her husband are always buying fast food for lunch and making fun of me for always saving my money and eating healthy by bringing my own nutritious lunches. Yesterday, they had gotten some Burger King, and my coworker stood at my desk chatting with me as she ate her sandwich. She pushed her untouched fries toward me and told me that she wasn't going to eat them, and I told her I didn't want them. She said, "Meredith, you've been doing so good with your weight loss, you're allowed to treat yourself once in a while."

It felt REALLY good to have someone notice, and tell me!! And then I ate some fries -- not all of them! -- and I didn't even care.

What was YOUR most recent NSV?


  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Buyin' some new toys...

    5 lbs each ankle or wrist weights & adjustable dumbells :happy:

    Congrats on your NSV :wink:
  • Fancy17
    Fancy17 Posts: 15
    That's awesome--- it's always nice to have someone notice your weight loss----

    It's okay to indulge once in a while... :)

    p.s. I am a newbie, been here for two days, what is a NSV????
  • MissRose888
    MissRose888 Posts: 98 Member
    Thats great news, mlweaver! I also had a NSV at work about a week or so ago: I was standing by the copier in my new jeans (1 size down) and a shirt I'd bought last summer on casual friday and co-worker approached me and said, "Wow you are really looking good with your weight loss!". I was beaming and very happy someone noticed :)
  • mrrodriguez
    mrrodriguez Posts: 158
    Remind me again. What is an NSV?
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    I am and have been a waitress at the Western Sizzlin for over 10 years. Just yesterday one of my customers said "You have lost weight, you are looking good" It has happened quite a few times in the last few months. It is so good when others notice. It makes me know that I am doing something good for my self, and motivates me to keep up the good work.
  • mkateweis
    mkateweis Posts: 24 Member
    nsv=non-scale victory :)
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    NSV = Non-scale victory!

    I was kinda bumming cuz my favorite jeans are getting to the point where they are falling off me. I thought they were the 18's, but nope, they were the 16's! So for grins, I tried on a pair of my old 14's and... OMG they fit! It's like opening up a new section in my closet! I started rooting thru my tubs full of too small clothes & they are beginning to fit! It's like Christmas! lol
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Knowing I can go buy a few new out fits today, since today I finally lost my first big mile stone. Yes, it is a scale victory and a very well earned one But I just feel so good like I can accomplish anything now!!!!!

    Congrats to you for having great will power!!! It takes time but you will achieve what you are striving for!!!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    For those of you who don't know NSV is non-scale victory.

    Mine was placing 3rd in my age range for the 5K yesterday. (And once during the race when I noticed that I hadn't tied my running pants tight enough - they were sliding. Good thing they didn't slide too much before I realized it!)
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    It's always nice to have someone notice and then SAY something about it!! So good for you! Best those fries tasted yummy! lol

    My nsv?? I did my weigh in a measurements today and I am back down to 48-38-48 which means that I have lost a total of 18.5 inches off of just those 3 measurements in 3 months.
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    Also at work - last week a co-worker that I haven't seen for a month because of schedules said 'Wow! I don't see you all the time and you are really looking great!' Felt so good. And being able to zip the next size down jeans in my closet though still too tight. Fitting into some size L clothes! Down from 1X.

    Congratulations on your NSV :flowerforyou: They feel SOOOOO good!
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    Started out in Jan on the last notch of my belt - I am now on the first notch of the same belt - that's five on the other side of the keeper :)

  • mlweaver89
    mlweaver89 Posts: 35
    Good job to ALL of you! If everyone in the world could be as awesome as us, we'd be one healthy, happy planet!
  • Comfortableme
    Comfortableme Posts: 33 Member
    I went to visit my son and daughter-in-law last weekend. I started my weight loss journey at their house the end of December. I really do not see any difference in myself even though I am down about 30 lbs. I had gotten dressed to go horse back riding and my daughter-in-law commented on how large my blouse was. I had brought another top, that was smaller, but I thought it would be to small. What a wonderful feeling it was to be told the top fit and wasn't too small.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I started the couch 2 5k yesterday and because i have been working my butt of for a month already with working out in my living room, i was able to continue the run /walk for 48 minutes, 4 miles. I feel good today. :)
  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    I've got a really weird one. This past week I have had an itch in the middle of my back driving me insane! Well, I realized yesterday that because I have lost so much "back fat" now, I have space between my bras and the middle of my back and the tag on my bra is tickling my back!! Promptly cut the tag and problem is solved. Never expected that one. : )
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Yesterday I put on a pair of jeans I haven't been able to button in about 4 months... and they button!!! Ok, they're super tight and I can't breathe, but they buttoned! :D
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    my size medium underwear keep sliding down and not staying up (especially when I am working out -- LOL...).....going to have to invest in some new size small ones!! I am happy with that :)
  • PandaFAmBAm
    PandaFAmBAm Posts: 111
    I have only been here about a week =) But this week I did good. I worked out 5 days took a break yesterday. Today I am going swimming and see how I feel...might redue Week 2 Day 3 of C25K
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    I love these threads! The bra-tag-tickle story made me laugh!

    I have this whole professional wardrobe that had slowly gotten out of reach, but since starting MFP in January it has been coming back into reach ... Yesterday I wore a shirt to work that I have not been able to wear for four years! That felt good! In a few more months nothing will fit because it will be too big! :bigsmile:
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