A little advice about weightless goal...

chloecox Posts: 27 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey I just have a quick question about my weekly weightloss goal and whether or not I should alter it. I have lost 24 pounds since starting on MFP and now weigh 140 pounds. I am soooo happy to have got here and feel much more confident in myself HOWEVER I would ideally like to get down to about 135 so I can comfortably sit in my healthy weight range for my height (I'm 5' 4"). I currently have my goal at 1 pound a week with MFP giving me 1240 cals a day. Should I change my goal to 0.5 a week now I only have the last few pounds to loose? Would also appreciate any tips from fellow MFPers who are/have been at the last few pounds stage!


  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Well, I would set it a little slower, simply because it is much harder to lose those last few pounds and there is no point getting too stressed out over it.

    Congrats on your weight loss. You are doing great.

    I have just been trying to stay loosely within my calorie goals for the last few months so I can gradually lose a few more pounds. At this point I have changed my goal weight a few times and when I lose another pound that becomes my goal. I have no idea where to stop at this point, but being accountable on a continuing basis is helping me to further establish the eating habits I need to maintain.
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