To those limiting carbs



  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    It seems that "carbs" have become the worst thing ever. When I was growing up I was always told that fresh fruits and vegetables were good for you. I still believe that. I truly believe that as long as you are consuming fewer calories than you are buring that the weight will come off. Eating a balanced diet that includes all the major food groups can't really be anything but healthy, can it?
    I agree, so I chose to switch to unsweetened almond milk, limit my whole grain bread to breakfast and lunch and salads for dinner. My body felt sick with no fruit and limited veggies. Also, I deduct the fiber from the carbs to stay around 140 carbs a day.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Carbs is one of those things people tend to just take a portion of what they hear and regurgitate it. SIMPLE carbs are not good (refined sugar, refined flour, white stuff, etc.). COMPLEX carbs are good (fruits, veggies, brown rice etc.)

    My goal is simple - I don't count carbs. BUT... I try to limit breads, pasta, sugar, etc. (and, no, I'm not always successful, it's a learning process). As long as you're mindful of the QUALITY of carb, then you don't really have to worry about it. JMO. If I eat bread (for example, my morning english muffin) - I try to make sure it's whole wheat or whole grain). I'll choose a sweet potato over a potato - or brocolli over peas/corn. Baby steps can make a huge difference.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I've cut out bread & pasta and at the moment I'm really not missing them at all! I just can't cut them out completely tho uts impossible for me. It just means I eat more fruit & veg which I didnt eat enough of before to be honest. I still have potatoes about once a week though ( must be the Irish in me!)
  • BastaConLaPasta
    berries are much lower in carbs than some other fruits so stick with them and you'll be fine. Green leafy veg also lower than, say, carrots, tomatoes, squash etc

    ditch the bread and pasta, esp the wheat varieties - they will bloat you and have virtually no nutritional value. I ditched wheat 3.5 yrs ago and dropped a stone in no time, despite having an otherwise high-carb, high (good) fat diet. If you do crave carbs opt for brown rice, lentils etc
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    berries are much lower in carbs than some other fruits so stick with them and you'll be fine. Green leafy veg also lower than, say, carrots, tomatoes, squash etc

    ditch the bread and pasta, esp the wheat varieties - they will bloat you and have virtually no nutritional value. I ditched wheat 3.5 yrs ago and dropped a stone in no time, despite having an otherwise high-carb, high (good) fat diet. If you do crave carbs opt for brown rice, lentils etc
    wheat causes bloat, is that why I look pregnant every night, even thought my baby is 15 months??