1200 calorie a day meal Plan



  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    Usually I have

    Bfast oatmeal, skim milk, blended splenda brown sugar (the no calories crap taste like crap so this is a better choice than real brown sugar)
    Lunch Sandwich with deli meat(nofat), yogourt,carrots
    Supper meat, carb(usually potato for me) lots of veggies
    Snacks 100 cal popcorn, carrots, veggies, skinny cow ice cream etc etc.

    Just figure out what fills you up. I am a nightime snacker and feels like I will die if I don't have a bed time snack so I save a few calories just for that!
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    This is what I find works... I eat for breakfast either a protein shake and then later morning a yogurt or salad... on opposite days I eat old fashioned oatmeal.. not out of the package I cook it.. less sodium.. i put 1/2 cup of strawberries in it and sweeten it with a bit of splenda. then later morning same as the other days.
    For lunch I eat a salad with some sort of protein.. either low sodium albacore tuna or grilled chicken left over from the night before. Ive even cooked hamburger (96%lean) and made like a taco salad with a bit of 2% shredded cheese(1/8th cup). Later before I go to the gym I will have a protein bar.
    Dinner I have chicken or fish or shrimp and sometimes a pork chop.. salad, grilled veggies or maybe a baked sweet potato..
    I do not eat processed foods or white potatoes or white flour foods.
    I drink 8-12 glasses of water a day and usually have 1200 calories give or take 100. I don't drink any caffeine.
    I do allow myself some skinny cow ice cream or a vita top muffin as a snack.
    Hope this helps you.. I have lost 65lbs in 4 months and go to the gym 6-7 times a week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jmtp
    jmtp Posts: 26 Member
  • emfoley2
    emfoley2 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been working with a 1200/day goal on MFP for a couple of months now - sedentary job and sluggish metabolism. What made the most difference for me was 1) more protein than I had been eating - full daily MFP recommendation so I feel full, especially at lunch time, and 2) an afternoon snack so I don't leave work hungry in that pre-dinner danger zone. Also, I make sure to eat foods I really enjoy so the diet doesn't feel like punishment.

    breakfast: coffee with whole milk, greek yogurt with fruit and a tablespoon of granola or flax seeds ( for fiber and good cholesterol) ~300 calories

    lunch: a burly garden salad with grilled chicken , a hard boiled egg, or shrimp and maybe some grated cheese, avocado or chick peas and vinaigrette dressing. Usually I order a big meal-sized salad at work and eat half per day, light on the dressing, about 300-400 calories per serving

    afternoon snack: a piece of fruit and maybe a small piece of chocolate or chai tea with milk and honey, 100 or so calories total

    dinner: palm-sized portion of protein, veggies and about 1 cup cooked pasta, rice or other starch, maybe some fruit for dessert, ~400 calories total (lean c. or smart c. frozen diet meal when I'm rushed)

    a couple of times a week: 3-4 oz wine

    once every week or so - a cheat meal or dessert, still healthy but maybe going up to 1500 calories for the day.

    Hope this helps - good luck!
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    There is a ton of help here on MFP. For myself I like to plan out my whole day first thing, sometimes the night before. That way I don't have to dwell on what I am going to eat because I already know. I love "hungry girl" she has a lot of replacement switches that are great. Stock up on staples. For me that means Lavash bread (low calorie whole wheat wrap), laughing cow cheeses, egg beaters, and fruit.
  • Wanda66
    Wanda66 Posts: 63 Member
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    Just bought the "400 Calorie Fix" this weekend. LOVE IT! It would be perfect for you. They have chapters on no-cook meals, prepackaged meals, casual dining, fast food, and recipes. Each chapter has breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks all around 400 calories. Pick and choose for 3 a day. Tons of options and ideas I have never thought of.
  • Parine
    Parine Posts: 4
    thank you and everyone for your 1200 calorie meal suggestions