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SBF Oct 1

barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey everyone!

Well, my instincts from the other day seem to have been spot on- I DID need a break! I stayed home from work today a little sickie. Though this is the strangest "sick" I've ever been- fever and chills and an incredibly sore body, everywhere. Especially lower back and my joints, but also my hamstrings and calves, neck, etc. No other symptoms like sore throat, sneezing, nothing. :huh: Anyone have any ideas?

I stayed inside on the couch all day, just couldn't muster up the energy to move. I under-ate by about 700 cals- will this be okay do you think? I also under-ate the previous two days, but not by as much- my body must have known it was slowing down. Anyway, do you all think this is ok? I just couldn't force much down.

I hope you are all great and your Wednesdays are much better than mine was! :grumble: My goals for tomorrow:

drink LOTS of water
take it easy
have a light walk at lunch


  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Well, my instincts from the other day seem to have been spot on- I DID need a break! I stayed home from work today a little sickie. Though this is the strangest "sick" I've ever been- fever and chills and an incredibly sore body, everywhere. Especially lower back and my joints, but also my hamstrings and calves, neck, etc. No other symptoms like sore throat, sneezing, nothing. :huh: Anyone have any ideas?

    I stayed inside on the couch all day, just couldn't muster up the energy to move. I under-ate by about 700 cals- will this be okay do you think? I also under-ate the previous two days, but not by as much- my body must have known it was slowing down. Anyway, do you all think this is ok? I just couldn't force much down.

    I hope you are all great and your Wednesdays are much better than mine was! :grumble: My goals for tomorrow:

    drink LOTS of water
    take it easy
    have a light walk at lunch
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    If you're an asthmatic take your inhalor. Twice now I've been completely lethargic and I wasn't coughing or wheezing so it didn't occur to me it could be my asthma. When I went to the doc he said I was getting 25% of the oxygen I needed and as soon as I took my inhalor I felt 100% better!! I had just felt wiped out, tired, and sore like getting hit by a train.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Barefoot, get better soon! I'm sorry you are sick! If it was me I would just eat what I could not not worry about calories. Your body will tell you what you need.
    Did my push ups today. 150. Barely made it.
    Going for a walk this morning. In laws are still here for at least another day. I refuse to do my Shred in front of them! Sorry Carrie and CP. I will have to catch up as soon as every thing settles down! Hopefully tomorrow but it could be Sunday or Monday. I really need things to settle down a bit around here but it doesn't look like it's going to.
    I have got to go eat breakfast. I'm driving my MIL to doctor appointments today, so we'll see what all I get done.
    Hope you all have a great day!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Aw, barefoot, I'm sorry you're sick. I'd say if that persists though to take a trip to the Doc. All over body aches like that could be indicative of something serious, so be careful.

    Today is bikram. They canceled my noon class at my studio, so I'm kind of cranky with them. So, I'll have to go to the much more crowded 5:30 class. But, that's OK.

    Got a lot of work done on my re-write/condensing of a paper yesterday. It's super hard cutting 40 pages down to 15, especially when containing to 40 was initially hard. I hope to have it finished by this evening, as today is the deadline for it.

    My spin class yesterday was pretty crazy. I spent a lot of time up in the 80% max zone, and even peaked at 92% once. I now have "opinions" about teachers who push a class this hard, especially since there were several people in there who were. . .not as fit as I am, to put it delicately. I just don't want to have to see if the de-fibulator(sp?) works.

    Oh, and CP, I thought about you yesterday when I read that "intellectual activity" makes people eat more afterwards (apparently, it releases cortisol, just like exercise does, without any calorie-burning benefits) So, we can blame trying to finish grad school for making us eat! It was a Canadian study published last month.

    so, in short, today is:

    yoga (bikram)
    finish paper
    eat non-restaurant food today.

    take care of yourselves, :flowerforyou:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I hope you feel better soon barefoot!

    MM thats alright. I know how you feel. My brother has had his friend over and I dont want to work out in front of them hahaha. I will still try and start today. Its no big deal! :smile:

    Yesterday I went over by 450 like I said. I went for a bike ride with my sis for 52mins and burned 500cals. My butt was and is soooooo sore hahaha but at least I did it!! Today we get the house! YAY!! I want to pack as much as possible even though we are not moving until Saturday. I cant wait! :bigsmile:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Good Morning from chilly Minnesota! Just enough time for a quickie.

    Kept within calories
    30 minutes core yoga (no gym at our hotel so I'll be being creative with workouts)
    Took vitamins

    Keep within calories
    I want to burn 500, somehow
    Drink my water -- didn't drink enough yesterday!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Carrie, I'm excited for you! I know that must be a great feeling to get your own home! I'd probably be losing sleep I'd be so excited! :tongue:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Barefoot - it's a little late in the year for y'all, but it could be a flu.
    Julie - sorry to hear you're sick as well
    Carrie - congrats, how exciting!
    V - I hate it when the cancel a less attended class :grumble: Oh, and I have no idea what type of yoga you were doing yesterday - there are so many

    Well yesterday I went over my calories and just walked. I'm letting it go. I was on my feet for 5 hours and got just as many steps as the day previous (but since it wasn't "official" exercise, it doesn't count). I'm going to try to stop "exercise purging" and just go with what my body tells me. Today is yoga and weights - weights for the first time in 2 weeks! yikes! Maybe some walking as well - though our cool front disappeared!:angry:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well I officially have 14 days until I leave for vacation and am hoping to be down a few pounds before I go. I KNOW I will come back a few pounds lighter because my sister is gonna kick my behind while I'm there, and I will gladly accept the beatings. :laugh: I haven't honestly worked out in about a month so since I'm only working one job today I plan on doing Kenpo or Shred tonight, and mowing the lawn if the rain stays away. I'm feeling very positive and confident that I can hit at least 10lbs lost (on my ticker) before I go to Texas!

    So today is:
    Mowing the yard
    Homemade dinner

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    My day started out great! I managed to drag my butt out of bed and do Shred (level 1). But first, I stepped on the scale and got a number in the 150s (158.8)! I can't even tell you how many years it's been since that was the case. Even if it's just a fluctuation, at least it's going in the right direction. And it makes me feel more confident that the 161 reading from yesterday is accurate. I also took my measurements and have lost a few 1/2 and 3/4 inches here and there. Yay! My plans for tonight - aerobics class and pushups.

    Barefoot - that sounds like the flu to me. Feverish and achy - yep. :frown: Take it easy, drink your fluids, and get well soon! Don't force yourself on the calories - when you start feeling hungry again, you will know that you are on the mend. Things like soup, juice, and tea with honey are good. :flowerforyou:
    Oh, and CP, I thought about you yesterday when I read that "intellectual activity" makes people eat more afterwards (apparently, it releases cortisol, just like exercise does, without any calorie-burning benefits) So, we can blame trying to finish grad school for making us eat! It was a Canadian study published last month.

    Ha! I'll remember that one. I just figured it was frustration and/or procrastination. :tongue: Good luck on your rewrite!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    V - I hate it when the cancel a less attended class :grumble:

    I know, I am especially pissed because I just paid for "six months unlimited" which was no small expense, simply because there were so many classes per week to choose from. I'm trying to figure out how to ask for some of my money back, since I can now only go twice a week, to classes that wouldn't be my first scheduling choice. Being an alarmingly non-confrontational person, I'm not sure I can do it.

    Also, they only tried the new noon classes for three weeks, the first class there were two, the second time, three and the third time five, so it seemed to be catching on. Grrr.

    The studio is new, and I have noticed that the owner may be feeling like she's in a little over her head (she's not always in the best mood lately) and she's had to teach about three classes a day. But, hey, it's what she signed up for, so I have minimal sympathy. I can't imagine the heating bills she's dealing with!

    Oh, BTW, down two pounds today. We'll see if it's real or fluctuation.

    Mary, you inspired me to buy "intuitive eating" hopefully it will come in the mail today.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Awesome V, hope you like the book.

    I think you start by asking for your noon class back - saying "I signed up for 6 months with the knowledge that there was a noon class" and see what they say.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    O M G.

    My regular hi/lo aerobics instructor was gone today, and the surprise substitute (she had subbed for the class before ours and agreed to stay when she realized that the same instructor had been supposed to do our class well) didn't really know what hi/lo aerobics was. So she did kickboxing! It was sooooooo hard - I can't believe the energy this lady had. We were all dying... my heart rate AVERAGE over 50 minutes was 156 (peak was 175). And I burned 503 calories! (I usually burn around 350 - 400 at most - in hi/lo). There is a college guy (from Eastman down the street) who usually has a ton of energy, and even he said he was exhausted and had never sweat so much. All I know is that there is NO WAY that I would ever have been able to get through that class 6 months ago. Holy cow.

    And, miracle of miracles, I still managed to do my pushups just now (after a couple hours recovery time).

    I have a feeling I am NOT going to be eating all my calories for today! We'll see if I can move in the morning for Shred...

    So, today was the last day of this challenge. Is everyone going to keep posting the rest of the week? The next challenge starts Monday - how long does it go?
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I am still going to be posting. I need it! I really need you guys! lol Even in the midst of the craziness in my life I will make time to post. I'm going to rest now. It has been a very eventful day!
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