I know it's naughty but fast track weight loss....

So... you're all going to tell me off for this. I know it's not the right way or most sustainable. BUT it is under very unusual circumstances.

Basically, my partner and I are one screen test away from getting married on national television in August. He applied, we have gone through interviews and now there is a screen test. Now, 1000's of people applied, so I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen (people like us don't get 12K for a wedding for free!)


I clearly want to be in the best possible shape just in case. We find out mid-July if we are on the show, which would be filmed at the end of August.

My question here is... are there any tips for fast track weight loss (this is a lifestyle change for me... I'm completely in the zone and see healthy eating and exercise as a way of life now) but obviously this is unexpected and a real one-off.

I plan to go spinning 5 times a week minimum and eat really healthy food- lots of fish, chicken, veg and fruit.

Is it possible to drop 2 dress sizes in 2 months???

Are there any tips for fast track success- with in mind I know that this isn't the most sustainable way.

Thank!!! :-)


  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    If you're very desperate then you can try a VLCD (very low calorie diet, which typically means under 800 calories). I would look it up online and you should probably talk to your doctor first. You should also be aware that once you go back to normal eating you will gain the weight back and probably some extra.
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    How much do you want to lose though? It might be possible to do it the right way.
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    If you're very desperate then you can try a VLCD (very low calorie diet, which typically means under 800 calories). I would look it up online and you should probably talk to your doctor first. You should also be aware that once you go back to normal eating you will gain the weight back and probably some extra.

    Hey... thanks for your suggestion!!! I don't know if VLCD would necessarily be the best thing to do then... I am a teacher and need to be mega alert at all times and don't want to be lacking the amount of energy I need on a day to day basis....!?!?! Hmmm...

    Thanks for the suggestion though. Am I being naive?? Is this the ONLY way I can do it??

  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    How much do you want to lose though? It might be possible to do it the right way.

    I mean my actual goal is 3 stone overall... but I know that's impossible. Ideally 2 stone would be amazing!!!!

    Unrealistic?? It's more about body shape though- toned and smaller in inches!
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    In my opinion, as long as you don't eat less than 1200 calories a day you should be okay. I wouldn't eat less than that because your body will turn on you and stop dropping the pounds. Like you said, workout and eat healthy and that is the best chance you have.
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    If you're very desperate then you can try a VLCD (very low calorie diet, which typically means under 800 calories). I would look it up online and you should probably talk to your doctor first. You should also be aware that once you go back to normal eating you will gain the weight back and probably some extra.

    Hey... thanks for your suggestion!!! I don't know if VLCD would necessarily be the best thing to do then... I am a teacher and need to be mega alert at all times and don't want to be lacking the amount of energy I need on a day to day basis....!?!?! Hmmm...

    Thanks for the suggestion though. Am I being naive?? Is this the ONLY way I can do it??


    Read my other post too. You should actually avoid doing that as much as possible. It is not good for your body and will probably get you further from your goal in the long run. How much do you want to lose?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's possible even with healthy, normal eating to lose two dress sizes. With a lot of running, mild strength and core training, and eating well, not drastic, I dropped a size in a month while only losing about three pounds. Keep following the path your on. It's not worth screwing up your metabolism for a "maybe."
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    Fast tracking is only meant as I couple of week thing really. I can def see a change in body shape with exercise in 2 months but imo the spin classes might be great for burning calories but your body might keep what is there and get even heavier as muscle develops. I suggest breaking the exercise up into sections, some cardio (spin, boxercise, kick fit, step etc) and some muscle toning like pilates, yoga, aqua and possible a little Zumba? Good luck but miracles don't always appear when you actually need them to.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Start P90X ... I dropped 2 sizes in the first 30 days or so of that program!
  • penny5
    penny5 Posts: 148 Member
    I think healthy eating, low carb, tons of water, exercise morning and night, and maybe a body wrap at a spa just before hand :) By the way, congrats on possibly getting your dream wedding! Keep us up to date so that we can watch if you make it!!!! Oh yeah, another thought.....Spanks Shapewear!!!!!
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    How much do you want to lose though? It might be possible to do it the right way.

    I mean my actual goal is 3 stone overall... but I know that's impossible. Ideally 2 stone would be amazing!!!!

    Unrealistic?? It's more about body shape though- toned and smaller in inches!

    You might be able to lose like 20 lbs (1.5 stones I think) in 2 months. But if you do it the right way and build muscle you'll probably looks a lot better anyway! I take back what I said before. You shouldn't do a VLCD.
  • VICKY_83
    VICKY_83 Posts: 51 Member
    I hope you get it hun..x I would say exercise everyday for aleast 2 hrs and eat more fresh foods like salad and fruit or you could get one of those sauna suits there really good or even go in to the sauna.... thats what I would try. but he is right if you have 800 calories a day then start eatin more you will put the weight back on and more, it happened to me at xmas, I cryed ..
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    It's possible even with healthy, normal eating to lose two dress sizes. With a lot of running, mild strength and core training, and eating well, not drastic, I dropped a size in a month while only losing about three pounds. Keep following the path your on. It's not worth screwing up your metabolism for a "maybe."

    Thanks you for this- So if a dress size is possible in a month- maybe I could get down to a size 12 in 2 months!!!! That's hopeful!! I think if I just live in the gym for the next couple months I could do it? It's an hour roundtrip but maybe cycle to work 2-3 times a week and the dogs get walked twice a day anyway.

    I'm sure you can empathise with me... was on the right path anyway but panic stations have set in!!xxx
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    The issue you're going to run into is that you don't have all that much to lose. Your fat levels aren't all that high, and this means that they're in areas where it is more difficult for the body to access them.

    Probably what will get you the best results, without destroying your metabolism or making you worthless in day-to-day functioning, is a deficit of around 1 lb per week and a LOT of strength/weight training. Strength training will be your best friend right now, because it will help maintain muscle mass and help your metabolism. And while you might not drop quite as much weight, it will probably help you more in the dress-size department than cardio will. Muscle is more compact, and can help you take up less space even if you haven't loss as much weight.

    Eat very clean (please, please don't try to do a VLCD - you WILL regret it), get lots of water, keep carbs moderate, good protein, etc. Avoid sodium. Hit the weights hard. Also, might look into HIIT (high intensity interval training).

    Good luck. :wink:
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    Fast tracking is only meant as I couple of week thing really. I can def see a change in body shape with exercise in 2 months but imo the spin classes might be great for burning calories but your body might keep what is there and get even heavier as muscle develops. I suggest breaking the exercise up into sections, some cardio (spin, boxercise, kick fit, step etc) and some muscle toning like pilates, yoga, aqua and possible a little Zumba? Good luck but miracles don't always appear when you actually need them to.

    Thanks for the advice that's so helpful! xx
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    To change your body shape, get those muscles working. Lift heavy weights and focus on not just your problem areas, but all muscle groups. Muscle burns a great amount of calories at rest - increasing your daily caloric burn and making it 'easier' to lose weight. Don't be afraid of bulking up, that is nearly impossible to do with a calorie deficit (what you are doing).

    So lift! Lift lift lift :)
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    It looks like someone else said it, but i would say a whole lot more of body/strength toning alongside the cardio... something like insanity or P90 would prbly be the best thing... just stay on track and do it every single day! you can do it girl!! :)
  • holkeo
    holkeo Posts: 34
    I hope you get it hun..x I would say exercise everyday for aleast 2 hrs and eat more fresh foods like salad and fruit or you could get one of those sauna suits there really good or even go in to the sauna.... thats what I would try. but he is right if you have 800 calories a day then start eatin more you will put the weight back on and more, it happened to me at xmas, I cryed ..

    Thank you!!! Me to!!!!!! I will return to this thread and let you all know if it happens!!!!! Sauna suits?!?x
  • VICKY_83
    VICKY_83 Posts: 51 Member
    good luck..:bigsmile:
  • Andeenero
    Andeenero Posts: 22 Member
    If I were in that position, I would stick to mainly fruits/vegetables. No processed foods at all. Eat small portions of chicken/fish for protein (about the size of a deck of cards). I would switch out one meal a day with a green smoothie or juice. Make sure you keep your calories under 1200, but I'm sure you'll still get to eat plenty of food. Also, switch coffee with green tea or hot water with lemon and all other beverages with water. And stay hydrated.
    I did the above back in January with great results and tons of energy.
    I would also spend at least 60 min exercising a day. Apparently tae bo burns a ridiculous amount of calories. I haven't tried that one out though. Not my thing really. I'm more of a dance video/class kind of aerobics person or a walker, both of which work great for me but they don't burn as many calories.