Motivation Please!!

pisces271 Posts: 58 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Anyone have any extra motivation they can share with me! I seemed to have lost mine somewhere down the roads of "Lack of Sleep" and "Daily Stress Street" and the highway of "Eating for Crap" ~ would love some more friends on here for extra motivation and tips on fitting in exercise and tips on how to NOT grab that junk food and cutting down on portion sizes... I know i need self control but its just so hard to get it seems... I put this app on my phone too now so I should be able to logg in all my stuff all time...


  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    Send a request, perhaps we can help each other!
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    Being on this site will help you if you are dutiful and log in daily. Birds of a feather flock together so if you're constantly seeing people who are working for a goal, it will motivate you! Good Luck
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    Track your food intake on here, add more friends, make your food diary public. That has done so much for me.
  • ImSoSerious1987
    ImSoSerious1987 Posts: 22 Member
    To not grab junk food its easy for me to just have down what i'm eating that day or like cook ahead of time and freeze it makes it easier to just take it out and it be ready hope it helps some my bad thing is fast food very bad blah
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    I treat it like a game. Every day I come in under calories, I win. Having it on my phone makes it so easy, there's no excuse not to always do it. I also find it easier if I log in what I'm going to eat, before I eat it. Lets me know what I can afford to eat. Following the calorie limits set by MFP don't seem to bad after a bit because they decrease so gradually.
  • promiseskept
    promiseskept Posts: 119
    I only make what I plan to eat, If I do make more then I pack the extra away immediately in portion sized containers and into the fridge it goes. Same way if I eat out, I asl for a take out dish and take the half I am taking home right away. I never want to go back to living as I did before, this is my life now. I enjoy how I feel and how long it has taken me to shed the weight. This time next year will be a sumer at goal weight! I have 37 off now, and 50 to go and I can't wait. Slow and staedy wins the race!
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Sorry, but if you're walking down the stressed-no sleep road you ARE going to have a tough time. Getting enough sleep on a routine basis means that you aren't fighting the cravings that cortisol gives you...that carb junkie feeling goes with no sleep. Secondly, I have been on this journey for 10 years....there is no quick fix... and ten years later I'm one pound from goal. It is great to be 75 pounds lighter and healthier...but had to face many personal demons along the way and lack of motivation was a big one. I had to dig down deep and find the answer that ultimately I"M WORTH ALL THIS HASSEL. I finally dug deep enough to love myself above food, above work, above pleasing find time to exercise and cook right. I wish you great luck and happy digging as you find your own answers.
  • pisces271
    pisces271 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks all - there are some great ideas!
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    cook a lot make, meals for a week freeze them, being on here will help a lot its really a wakeup call as to how good or bad you do eat, sleep is very important , you can do it you just have to compete with yourself, and fast food is not always bad but you do have to pick and choose , never give up
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