Below daily calories

Tootswog Posts: 6
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
So my goal for daily calorie intake is 1200. I just started using this site on Tuesday (it's now the following Sunday) and the very first day I ate how I regularly eat and had a little over 1300 calories for the day. Since then I've been more mindful of what I'm eating and my calories are actually way below - like yesterday I had a total of 650! And I haven't even put any exercise because I haven't actually done a workout, but I work 12 hour shifts in a hospital and run around for a good portion of my day so I'm definitely burning calories, it's just difficult to track that on here. But I'm not hungry, I'm not trying to starve myself. I'm eating salads and fruit and sandwiches and trying new foods. I'm not hungry all day. I've never been a big eater but I just feel like 650 is obviously way too low (maybe that's why I'm too tired when I get home from work to exercise!)


  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    if u are active during the day, change ur fitness thing to active -- it will calculate the calories u burn during the day for you -- ur calories may change from 1200 to higher bc ure active.
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    I would hope you put your work as 'Active' - I set mine as lightly active and my target is 1200cal. This won't help with your large deficit but when you described your work it concerned me that you have such a low target.
  • shimmy530
    shimmy530 Posts: 6
    Isn't 1200 too low? I don't know what your height and age are, but considering you're an adult with a job at the hospital, shouldn't you eat more than 1200 cal, unless you're trying to lose like 3-4 lbs per week, which isn't healthy.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Try to add in more calorie dense foods slowly. A handful of nuts with lunch, a bit of oatmeal with your fruit in the morning. I understand hospital shifts make it very hard to stop and eat. Do what you can and continue trying to increase calorie intake. Try not to stress over it, that will just cause more problems. It is great that you are noticing it though and looking to change :smile:

    28g of peanuts is 160 calories, and can really help you reach the goal easily. Have a baggie with you at work maybe and snack on them through out your shift?
  • texasladysv
    texasladysv Posts: 103 Member
    Maybe protien would help... with energy, & getting the calories in... Premade Protien shakes are a good way to take it to work, & only adding 170 cal each one could add that extra protien you need for energy... even if you have it with your lo-cal salad.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Eat like you did the first day... between 1200 and 1300 is plenty low enough to lose weight and high enough to not send your body into starvation more. 650 is WAY too low for anyone. As for work... you should have your activity level set at active and that would account for your workdays. Then you only need to log ACTUAL workouts and eat back those calories. Make sure your NET number is always 1200 or more. Try almonds, peanut butter and almond butter... things that are high in calories and healthy. You can't keep going like you're going... you're going to hurt yourself....
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Add some nuts, an oil- or yogurt-based dressing, and maybe a serving of avocado to your salad. That will add probably 100-300 extra calories and everything is good for you (in moderation).
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    Eat nuts and protein shakes for some good extra calories.
  • ale318
    ale318 Posts: 2
    I have been working out for about 6 weeks now and just started logging what I eat. It's true, when you log what you eat - you are more conscious of what you eat. I would agree that you have to eat more than 650 calories per day. You need to eat at least 1200-1500 (more if you work out). My personal trainer told me, "think of your body like a car - if you go too long in between oil changes, your car does not run very well!" same with your body. You need to eat every two-three hours to fuel your body. If not, your body goes into starvation mode and stores what nutrients it does have and turns it into fat. Same with water, you need to drink at least 5 16oz bottles of water per day to stay hydrated. Your body can only absorb in 2-4oz of water every 20 minutes. So in a two hour time period you need to drink 1-16oz bottle of water. Anything more than that will just get flushed out. I was not an avid water drinker, but I have been for the last 3 weeks and I have noticed a huge difference in energy and fat loss. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
  • Tootswog
    Tootswog Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone for your responses. I do have my activity level said to lightly active. I just know that when I start working out and logging my exercise, my calorie deficit is going to be even greater. Crazy to think I have to eat like twice as much as I am to lose weight! I did think about adding in a couple snacks of almonds, etc. I never snack at all. I bring a couple of snacks (an apple and an orange) with me to work but just end up adding them to my breakfast & lunch. I just can't seem to figure out how to eat right. When I go through a whole day eating however I want, it's all pizza and chips and cheese. When I try to eat healthy, I cut my calories so low you'd think I was anorexic :( I want to lose weight, but I want to find a happy medium. I am 5'4" and currently weigh 136lbs (I was 138 when I started this on Tuesday). I'd like to get down to 117 where I was two years ago.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    To help with my calories I have been adding a weight loss shake to my breakfast. Bananas, avocado, nuts and seeds, beans, and cheese sticks :) all good things to add to a salad :)
  • Tootswog
    Tootswog Posts: 6
    Oh and Sheilamknott made the comment to eat like I did the first day, but the only reason my calories were higher that day was because my boyfriend and I are getting married next March and we're doing whoopie pies instead of a cake and we went to sample them that day. So it was a fluke...and I definitely can't eat whoopie pies every day to get my calories up ;) I've always said that my idea of pigging out is a normal day of eating for most people but seeing all my #s for day tracked like this, it really puts it into perspective. I don't want to eat a bunch of high calorie foods just to increase my #s but I don't want them so low that my metabolism is super slow and I don't have energy.
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