Good late snack

apotts Posts: 23
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I have changed my eating habits to eating carbs like fruits and veggies, or low sugar meals, and staying away from breads, pastas, cereals, etc. I sometimes at night get a little hungry and want a small snack, like 30 minutes to 1 hr sometimes before bed, which I know is bad to eat before going to bed. I usually eat some type of fruit like grapes or an orange, but what I was wondering, is there a better fruit to eat before bedtime that has less sugar/carbs, or do these fruit sugars even affect me since they are natural sugars? What is the best healthy late fruit snack, if I must have one? Or is there another food that is better? apotts


  • apotts
    apotts Posts: 23
    I have changed my eating habits to eating carbs like fruits and veggies, or low sugar meals, and staying away from breads, pastas, cereals, etc. I sometimes at night get a little hungry and want a small snack, like 30 minutes to 1 hr sometimes before bed, which I know is bad to eat before going to bed. I usually eat some type of fruit like grapes or an orange, but what I was wondering, is there a better fruit to eat before bedtime that has less sugar/carbs, or do these fruit sugars even affect me since they are natural sugars? What is the best healthy late fruit snack, if I must have one? Or is there another food that is better? apotts
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Your body doesn't care what time it is. Eating anything just before bed isn't bad for you. Time of day for eating does not determine weight gain, so you can relax.
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