My Real Life Starts Now!

vdegraff Posts: 87 Member
I am sooooo tired of being overweight and I am committed to doing something about it - one day at a time. I am on a mission to lose weight. This week, I have my first consultation for WLS. Not sure if I can afford it or even if I want to go this route, but no matter what, I am choosing to commit myself to a healthier lifestyle. I am using MFP on my iPhone and tracking my calories is pretty enlightening. I'm on a plan to take in only 2000 calories per day and it's pretty hard. The other thing that I'm noticing is that I am not getting enough vitamins and nutrients. And I consume way tooooo much sodium.

I hope to find friends here who will partner and support me in my WL journey. I am a married, working MOM of 3 wonderful children. They are 7, 10 and 11. My oldest daughter is overweight too and I want to help her as well. I don't want to see her go through the pain of being the big kid.

So anyway, that's me. Hope to meet lots of great people here.


  • Sissy4EverX3
    Sissy4EverX3 Posts: 247
    Welcome aboard! I definitely hear you.. I rededicated myself today after having a "Come to Jesus" meeting with mirror. A friend request is on its way! :)