Hi all ! Lost 30 pounds but now im stuck

cvcman Posts: 438 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok a yr ago I started biking/running 45 minutes everyday and cut alot of fat out and lost 30 pounds. Im 5'8" and weigh 160 and im 52 yrs old.
I eat :

Breakfast- bowl of oatmeal and glass of water/green decaff tea ( no sugar or milk on the oatmeal just water )

Lunch: Raomaine salad with onions and a little shreaded cheese,cukes,croutons, and olive oil and vinegar, hand full of cashews/nuts for desert

Supper, fish or chicken grilled with veggies, water to drink, 2 eggs and ham every other week...sushi with no rice once a week and one small ice cream cone once a week :)

5 or 6 dutch pretzles and glass of red wine

Now I bike or run everyday and keep my heart rate around 135/140

I seem to be staying the same weight and dont seem to be able to drop the belly flab. I did loose about 4" from my waist but would like to drop another 10 pounds ??

What am I doing wrong...


  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    I don't think you are getting enough protein.

    Also... try mixing your exercise up. Your body is too used to doing the same thing day in and day out.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Id suggest maybe changing the food you eat..
    Have some nutriental variety!
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    humm..it seems like most of my diet is protein,well suppers at least...am i eating enough calories ? I have been trying to bike 3 or 4 days then run 3 or four, should I run one day bike the next and so on ?? the belly flab would be nice to loose
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    I agree with kmeekhof....you need to zig zag your calories (eat the same amt per week, just one day high and the next day low to keep your metabloism guessing).....maybe do some resistance too....you may gain a few pounds early on 9since we all know muscle weighs more than fat) but a toned body is important!
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    It's hard to say. You might not be eating enough, might be eating too much, not enough water, too much sodium. Track your food for a week. Without knowing quantities it's hard to make a judgement.
  • babsnotbarb
    babsnotbarb Posts: 1 Member
    You might want to try upping your good fat intake--Omega-3s--and your lean protein. Salmon is great for this if you like it. Take a look at the Amen Solution--either the book or the website. It is the only thing that works for me at age 58.
  • PST0622
    PST0622 Posts: 115
    Change it up some!!! Take some days off of exercising and eat something different. Maybe even bump your calories up for a couple of days!!! Your body could just be stuck in a rut!!!
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    we could help a bit more if you opened your diary. You should be at at least 1500 net calories per day...I'm guessing you are way under that. Also, getting a variety of foods should help kick your metabolism into gear.

    Good luck
  • addenafit
    addenafit Posts: 8 Member
    I don't think you're eating enough. Are you getting enough nutrients?
  • taberube
    taberube Posts: 11 Member
    Try taking 2000 mg of vitamin C a day in two 1000 mg doses - one morning and one evening. No one seems to know why it works, but it does. Google Vitamin C + weight loss.
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    try doing some workouts to target your abs. the cardio is great but sometimes you need to target areas to see improvement in that area. i usually eat around the same thing everyday too lol. I eat really good and I'm strict about it, except for the weekends I slip a little bit but I never really get tired of my meals because I know its good for me. Keep up the good work.
  • Are you doing any ab toning exercises? Belly flab is hard to lose on cardio alone. You have to target them in your workouts!
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    humm not enough, too much,lol what to do..... I do some weights curls etc but not much ab work..I can try some crunches etc.

    I do put tuna on my salad most of the time... I crave sweets but I try hard to stay away from them...The red wine takes care of most of the craving...And the once a week small ice cream cone :)
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    I also take a daily vitimian
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    If you're doing that much cardio, you defintely need more protein.
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    more huh, well how much more , lol
    and how do you suggest I get it
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Use the tools provided here to track your food. Your not eating much at all. Don't give much thought to the armchair nutritionists on these message boards. Your BMR is roughly 1600 calories a day. For your activity level you need about 2300 calories a day to maintain your weight. You should be consuming 1800-2000 calories a day if you want to lose weight roughly.
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    wow, well i never really added up the exact calories im eating but if I eat more i will loose weight ???? How many calories do you think in a romaine lettuce salad with olive oil,shreaded cheese,croutons,onions,cukes, and 2 ox=z aprox of chicken or fish and then a big handfull of cashews ? Add that to my 150 calorie breakfast and it doesnt leave much for supper does it ??

    then my glass of red wine and 5 pretzles.....thats got to be abot 600 right there...and i didnt count supper
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    woops, it says Goal 1910
    food 1532,exersise 580,net 952
    remaining 958

    how rea are these numbers ?? So if I stay on the same routine why am i not dropping more ...
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    woops, it says Goal 1910
    food 1532,exersise 580,net 952
    remaining 958

    how rea are these numbers ?? So if I stay on the same routine why am i not dropping more ...

    your NET calories are too low! Eat more food! 3-4 egg whites for breakfast with a slice of whole wheat toast and some fruit... change up your lunch, add more whole grains, don't be afraid of red meat, just eat the leaner cuts and limit it to 1-2 x a week. Greek yogurt with some fruit is a great way to add more protein. If you restrict your body too much it will just hold on to everything you take in because it is fearful of being starved.
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