Healthy non refrigerated food/meals

Rizzo_D Posts: 15 Member
I am trying to find some good food/meals that I can eat at work that are healthy but do not need refrigeration. I work in a mall and our break room (if it could be called that) has no refrigerator or microwave. I'm really sick of the two places we have to eat in my mall besides the fact that it its SOOO bad for me. So HELP!! please.

P.S I usually don't pack a lunch with an ice pack or a sandwich because I can't stomach soggy bread I would rather not eat than have that choice so please don't suggest anything that may change consistency over a few hours of work.


  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    To help with the soggy bread issue: Walmart (and I'm assuming other grocery stores) sells a container that has two sections: 1 circular section in the middle and a surrounding square-like part. This is the perfect container for work because it separates sauces/dips from meals (keeps things less soggy). I think I paid $2 for mine and it was one of the best investments ever.

    Typical meals/snacks: salad and dressing, chips and salsa, hummus and pita chips, hummus/dip and veggies.

    you can also try packing apples, oranges, bananas, granola, and/or almonds... they travel well and don't require a fridge.

    Hope that helps and best wishes!
  • tracivee
    tracivee Posts: 56 Member
    Get a thermos and pack minestrone soup. A can of Progresso's is only 200 cals and is really good! It would stay warm enough in a thermos. Or bring a container of salad.
  • tracivee
    tracivee Posts: 56 Member
    Also...if you wrap a sandwhich in foil, the bread won't get soggy. That's how I pack my hubby's lunch every night. He says that trick work fabulously! :)
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    We have refrigerators at work, but I don't use them. I found this great product at The Vitamin Shoppe. It is a salad container which keeps the ice pack, dressing and lettuce seperate. The key to not getting your salad soggy is to not add the dressing until you are ready to eat it. This product i found has a snap in area for the ice back and space under the lid for the dressing. It works very well. I keep my salad on my desk until I'm ready for it and it is nicely chilled and crisp even after several hours. I also keep granola bars and 100 calorie nut mixes (from Target) in my desk. Oh, one more thing. I have a salad spinner in which I wash and dry the lettuce before I package it for lunch. This also helps to keep it nice and crispy.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Also...if you wrap a sandwhich in foil, the bread won't get soggy. That's how I pack my hubby's lunch every night. He says that trick work fabulously! :)
    Yep, I've done that for years with my lunch on construction sites. I don't know why, it just works.