Us really big people - how do you use the treadmill???



  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    I'm going to say the complete opposite of what everyone else said, having been around your SW when I started. I preferred the treadmill to outside and still do for a number of reasons:

    1. The daycare @ gym. It was the only time I ever got to myself and that on its own was a huge weight loss factor. It was 'me' time plain and simple, but also guilt free as I knew they were.having a good time.

    2. When I was really heavy a 90 min walk was impossible, in fact even 30 mins was close to impossible, and I worried that I might walk somewhere and not be able to walk back.

    3. For me the gym was a safe environment. Outside I would get commentary about my size.

    I would do this:

    1. Go a little faster of the treadmill and use a slight incline. It helps when you need to hold on.
    2. Make your stride as long as you can. For me this was easier because I am tall. Also I could be further back on the band.
    3. Get some shoes fitted. This was the hardest bit for me. Again, commentary from others, but it was worth it.
    4. Use the recumbent cycle, the elliptical and the machine where you cycle with your arms, forget its name.
    Work out a schedule where you spend about ten mins on each.

    Once you are comfortable with the walking inside I'm sure being outside will follow, but its important to do what fits you best so you can keep doing it.

    Hang in there, I know its not easy.

  • JannineOwen
    JannineOwen Posts: 92 Member
    i started at around 279 pounds and love the treadmill, i'm not sure what the weight limits on them would be though, the ones at the gym i use are pretty heavy duty.
    start off slowly and as someone already suggested at a slight incline and just take it from there, even if you only manage a couple of minutes for now, otherwise just go on walks outside, you will build yourself up and it will get much easier.

    i hated the eliptical, it was my most hated machine in the gym, i could only manage 2 minutes at a push, it would kill my calfs and thighs, now 4 weeks on i can do 15 minutes with just one stop to wipe myself down (i get very sweaty on it), it does bring my heart rate right up but the machine warns if it goes to high and you just slow down.

    good luck :)
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I would say to try and add a bit of incline...

    i can't run fast, and i can't walk flat (i have feet issues) and it's only since i've lost 12kg that i will even walk at all beacuse my feet hurt so bad.

    but i have found lately that if i use the incline i can jog and walk on the treadmill alot more comfortably.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I hate treadmills. I have the same issues the OP has. I started out even bigger. 480lbs. 6'3 big wide feet, frame. I never could get comfortable. I go outside. but I don't have kids to worry about.

    my suggestion to you is to ask the gym if they don't mind if you walk outside to "warm up" 10-15 mins then come inside and use the gym itself. express your concerns. I'm sure they'll understand and won't mind.
  • joeysrib
    joeysrib Posts: 158 Member
    I can't do the treadmill either. But our fitness center has a pool, and offers several water aerobics classes that I can do. And they are fun! Also our fitness center has a gym, that is a basketball court and a walking track around the edge. They really accomodate a lot of people. What all does your fitness center offer?
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I am 356lbs. I cant use the treadmill to save my life (literally, lol). When I get on it I end up looking more like i'm half way off the end of it. I have to hold on because I lose my balance otherwise - so one end of me is at the front and the other end half-way to the back. I look so crazy. Then, if I try to "fix" my position I end up stepping wrong (or something) and I cause the belt to stop completely. PLUS the treadmill kills my calves (sp?). Does anyone else have this problem or maybe have some suggestions for me?? I usually only go about 1.8-2.0 mph. I think this has something to do with my wider stance. Plus I walk on the outside of my feet really bad. Do you think the belt just isn't wide enough, maybe?
    out side is good if too hot you can walk at a mall they usually open the major doors early so people can walk. I started larger than you and the tread mills at my gym are fine. I go to LA Fitness and treadmills are fine there. If ankle or knee problems walk at a park on grass or at high schools with rubber tracks gentler on joints you don't get the jarring. Good luck
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Can't you just walk? Around the block, down the road, around a track...something. I've always hated treadmills(too many America's Funniest Home Video's!) but I love going for a walk/jog down the road.

    I guess I could, but I have 2 kids and the gym has a daycare which makes the exercise part a LOT easier.... If I had them with me I wouldn't get far! They are one and four years old :)

    Others have suggested, but I'd also agree with the stroller idea. I have a 20 month old and he LOVES to get in that stroller and go for walks. It's the only time he'll get in it! Snacks, toys, whatever to keep their attention. Even walking for 20 minutes a day is a HUGE help.