Life changing I suppose.

rockinbettygrl Posts: 17 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I don't know anyone on here "in real life"...I don't post very personal things on my facebook because I have alot of buisness contacts on there that don't need to know extremely personal things....but, although completely off topic of this site, I wanted to talk to someone. My husband and I went out to eat today without our 2 sons (he is a United States Marine, and we live on a base) While there a family came in and the husband/ dad was also obviously in the military (it's haircut day in these parts and military men are easy to spot)..The youngest son was crying hystericaly and telling his father "I don't want you to go, I don't want you to die."This kid was prolly only about 7..the age of my oldest son. I tried to ignore it...but quite honestly, I just about had a panic attack right there thinking of how one day this could very likely be our children....and even worse, what if I had to tell them that their worst fear had actualy come true?...When we left the restaurant my husband and I spoke about what had happened...and we came to the conclusion that he will probably no longer be in the military (his reinlistment is coming up in about 2 months) We have a wonderful partnership, marriage, friendship, and mutual respect for eachother...I know this may be an unexpected life change, and it may be difficult...but we,as a family, will make it through..:*)
Sorry for the post on this site about something not weight loss related...but I had to get this off my chest...thanks for your time, all of you!


  • missmeg1970
    missmeg1970 Posts: 25 Member
    Wow.. that is life changing ... you should never have to apologise for talking.. this is the ideal place to talk about big changes that are going to happen.. because for a lot of us we understand that these life pressures are why we have issues with weight and food. I think you will be ok.. you are able to talk to your DH and you have us to support you on here .....

    Meg xxx
  • You know what? The things that stress and worry you probably are related to eating habits. But anyway...

    That's a heart-rending situation and (although I don't know you) I'm very glad for you that you and your husband were able to talk about it and find a solution. Best of luck with all that you do. :-)
  • rockinbettygrl
    rockinbettygrl Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you ladies :)
  • lauramae81
    lauramae81 Posts: 22 Member
    First and foremost I would like to thank your husband, you and your children for all of the sacrafices that you have made to serve our country!

    You need to get things off of your chest sometimes, and I believe that this is the perfect place to do it. You are surrounded by people that fully understand that stresses in our lives cause us to use food as a crutch. I'm happy for you that you won't have to deal with that added stress in your life, and for your children not to have to experience that sadness. Once again, Thank You! There are not enough of those sent out to our military families these days!
  • rockinbettygrl
    rockinbettygrl Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you so very much again ladies....I needed a few words of encouragment. ( and the "thank yous" are always appreciated :)
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